482 results found
Shrink to one page print
I like to have my plans fit all on one page. I would really like to have a way to have a button I can press where it would condense my plans to fit nicely onto one page. This would be very helpful to me as I try to be cautious about my paper use.
643 votes -
Add "I can" drop down
We now have to add "I can" statements to our lesson plans. Having a drop-down menu with all these things would be a huge time-saver. T hanks!
389 votes -
Multiple schedules in a school year
For instance, my morning classes are on a 4-day cycle, and my afternoon classes are on a 3-day cycle. Please change this so we can split the day into multiple cycles.
378 votes -
View all lessons while editing one
If we could see the week while typing in a lesson so we can compare lessons while inputting the information for the next lesson; instead of the overlay design. Although I do like the expanded screen for typing in long lesson plans, it would be helpful.
363 votes -
Long range plans
Long range plans overview for the year for each subject area in a week/month view aside from the actual lesson plans -- to view the general overall plans for the year at a glance -- like a pacing guide for all subject areas...
312 votes -
Copy - Select multiple days or weeks
My weeks don't change much throughout the year. I teach a unit for 6 weeks, but throughout those weeks a lot of the same information is present in my plans. If I could copy an entire week and then go through and edit the changes for the week I wouldn't have to recreate every lesson every week. This would be much the same as I would do with Word; just open up the old document, make changes, then Save As a new date.
305 votes -
Display classes by time
When I view or print my schedule for the week, without lesson details, I would LOVE to have it display in relationship to TIME, not all bunched together at the top of the page. This would help my colleagues visualize empty periods in my schedule (I'm a librarian)! When one class is 90 minutes and takes up the same amount space as a 30 minute class, or I have a break of 25 minutes, it is hard to read that across a week.
297 votes -
Show multi day lesson once
When I extend a Lesson It would be great if, visually, it just took up a block rather than repeats everything each day. I am working through a lesson that is intended for three or four days and I'm adjusting it as I go. I just deleted the extended days because I don't want to adjust the lesson three or four times!
182 votes -
Merge Lessons
Merge Lesson's. If I do lesson 1 and have extra time and decide to do lesson 2 as well on the same day I want to be able to move subsequent lessons back without losing any lesson information. Putting lesson 3 on the day where lesson 2 was.
179 votes -
Integrate with Canvas
If possible, integrate Planbook with the Canvas learning management system by Instructure. Canvas has a calendar which will indicate what activities/assignments/quizzes are due on any particular day, but by no means does it offer the features, details, and flexibility of Planbook (for example, the ability to extend, bump, or pull back lessons). Planbook and Canvas are both excellent tools for educators, and it would be wonderful if such a merger could happen.
162 votes -
Allow smaller box for Non-Teaching class
Elementary teachers like to show time slots such as recess, specials, lunch, and other repeatable items that usually don't require lesson plans or standards. It would be nice to standardize the box sizes separately from classes. Or, they could be a set size. They do not need a lot or room.
149 votes -
Copy lessons to multiple classes at once
I have just created lesson banks that I will copy lessons from throughout the year. The lessons will be used for multiple classes. Currently, I can copy the lessons to each of the classes individually. However, it would be much more efficient for me to have the option of selecting multiple classes at the same time in the "Copy To" section.
132 votes -
Schedule by Periods
I am at jr high, on a block schedule, so I use the a day/b day structure for my classes. However, the time of each period is different on Monday because it is an early release day
I would like to be able to globally change the Monday class times, whether it is an A day or a B day.
129 votes -
Print Unit with option to include all detail
It appears it is no longer possible to print out unit plans. An option that would print a unit plan containing all lessons from a particular unit would be very helpful for long range planning and reporting.
126 votes -
Extend/Bump only certain parts
Extend/bump only certain tabs of the day. For example: if I have a reading tab and a vocabulary tab, I only want the vocabulary tab to extend/bump to the next day. This would be useful when I only complete part of the lesson.
119 votes -
Allow page breaks when printing
allow us to be able to set up pages how we want with subjects ending at one point on a page, the rest on the second page.
116 votes -
Back-up data to local drive
It would be nice to be able to back-up the data on a local drive. If access to the internet is disrupted during a school day it would be very frustrating and disruptive if you are unable to get to your lesson plans. Also, if you make a major mistake, like erasing a whole class, then you could go back and retrieve the last saved data.
109 votes -
Create a full version offline app
The ipad version is great, but I'd love a full version app that could be used offline and would sync once back online. This would be especially helpful for schools with spotty service or rural areas that do not have access to unlimited internet.
99 votes -
Integrate with Microsoft Outlook Calendar
Since my school uses Microsoft Oulook, my admin send meeting invites and observation appointments through the Outlook calendar. I would like to be able to sync that calendar wtih so I can see my whole schedule for the day in one place instead of having to put each appointment in there manually.
98 votes -
Switch plans between days
I re-use plans from the previous year but sometimes need to switch the order of lessons to fit the new schedule. It would be great to simply be able to switch plans rather than have to bump, copy, move, and delete current plans in order to switch them.
97 votes
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