Merge Lessons
Merge Lesson's. If I do lesson 1 and have extra time and decide to do lesson 2 as well on the same day I want to be able to move subsequent lessons back without losing any lesson information. Putting lesson 3 on the day where lesson 2 was.
Julie commented
My team departmentalizes lesson planning. We copy the lessons over from their page to ours. Sometimes we make mistakes or make changes. When we copy, it just pushes the mistakes back. I would prefer the ability to Replace the plans.
ttasker commented
Is it possible to add a Start Date and End Date to the Copy To section when copying? Currently, there is an insert after existing plans or insert at Start Date, but there is no End Date option. I have dealt with my lessons shifting forward dates when I copy lessons. If a Start Date and End Date option was available then I could match Start and End Dates for copies which I hope would prevent shifting.
Anonymous commented
I would like to merge two lessons onto a single date for a class. I think if this feature was at least available when using the Bank it would help a lot.
Polly Giebler commented
When using the copy button at the top, the options available to copy from one class to another is to; a) insert after existing lessons or B) on a certain Date. I need to overwrite lessons starting at a certain date, as the unwanted lesson have been extended into other weeks and I can only get rid of the by clicking on each one.
Alternatively, a delete lessons starting at a date to date would also be handy, both for a complete day or individual lessons.
Shelly Wilkinson commented
Last year my math lesson were broken into two parts Math 1 and Math 2 at two different times in the day. This year I have enough time in my schedule to do both parts in one block of time. I want to be able to merge the two lessons without having to do all the cutting and pasting.
Anonymous commented
I agree, sometimes I work backwards from a date and when I do, things get moved forward as I add lessons.
lward commented
I want to be able to combine two days worth of lessons into one. When I bump, it doesn't give the option of combining two days worth of lessons.
Teresa Kelly commented
Sometimes I get through more material then I expect to - and cover the next day's lesson as well. It would be great if I could choose two lessons and have all of the information from both combined into one of the two lessons - without duplicating any lines directly or duplicating attachments.
Laura Williams commented
I collaborate with other teacher and we plan together. We will update lessons as we need, but if we modify a lesson and I need to import the lesson again, all my other lessons are pushed back a day. I would like to be able to import on top of my existing lesson.
Laura Williams commented
Allow me to upload modified lesson from another teacher without pushing my lesson back.
mrross commented
I would like to see you improve the import function so that it does not push lessons into the future. The "bumping" and deleting lesson features give you the option to shift lessons, but it seems that importing shoves everything ahead. If I go back and adjust plans from the past so that they are accurate for future use, it messes up current plans.
Amy commented
When importing lessons from other teachers, allow the information to occupy the same lesson instead of shifting.
I often want to use some of what a co-worker has in their lesson along with what I have already planned. I wish I could import their lessons into my lessons. -
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to have a merge feature on a lesson so that you can merge a lesson with a previous or next lesson.
Anonymous commented
When extending my current lesson, I don't always want to replace the next lesson with it, I simply want to add to it. I can use cut and paste but the button idea is nice.