View all lessons while editing one
If we could see the week while typing in a lesson so we can compare lessons while inputting the information for the next lesson; instead of the overlay design. Although I do like the expanded screen for typing in long lesson plans, it would be helpful.

Davina Orr commented
I would love to have the ability to have the weekly view open and be able to directly type, highlight, copy and paste to any day in that week without having to use the “edit” button to type on lesson.
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TomC commented
One thing we don't have is extra time. We need to be able to type directly in the plan boxes without opening the edit window.
Anonymous commented
When I'm looking at a lesson either in my plans or in a lesson back, I'd like to be able to have the lesson box open and then scroll on the background page. Sometimes I need to look at the lesson and reference something in the background, meaning I need to scroll. Like if you hover over the background page you'd be able to scroll that, or if you're hoving over the open lesson box you'd scroll that.
Erin commented
I would like to edit lessons both in day and week view. Sometimes I like to input by day and other times I want to work by subject across. I would like it to be intuitive like a paper planner at the generic information level. I understand to format or add attachments etc. you would need to be in the actual lesson but just for general placeholders, it would be nice not to have to click in and out.
Anonymous commented
It is very difficult to enter plans when you can only see one tiny portion of the lesson plans at a time to add them. It would be much easier to enter information from the weekly view so I can see what we are doing the day before. It would also be nice to see the actual lessons when adding the standards and objectives so you don't have to flip back and forth to remember what you are doing in a day.
Defnitely not user friendly as is -
Molly Schaeffer commented
It would be nice to be able to type in the columns without opening a new window. There are often times that I would like to type without having to do so in a different window, as the window covers up the columns once opened. I don't want to copy and paste, as I am not typing the same information, but wanting to see what was typed in the day before or in the following days. This almost made me not renew, but there are other features that changed my mind. If this is not a feature in the future, I may not renew next time. It is almost easier to type my plans in a google doc table, as that allows me to see the whole week while typing.
Justin Bowe commented
I would love to use Planbook, but I'm unable to because this feature is missing. Until it's added, I will just have to create my own lesson plan and upload the attachment to Planbook so my admin can have a copy of my plan. I long for this to be added so I can get some use out of this otherwise great application!
Jeff Thornton commented
Is it possible to have a quick add feature where I can type right inside the lesson planner boxes without having to open each lesson and make edits.
Kristofer Cohen commented
It is a bit time consuming and difficult for online unit planning to have to pull up a window each time I want to enter text in my lesson plan. If you could allow for quick text input, then I would be able to easily write in my lesson plans online.
Trisha Brummer commented
PLEASE DO THIS! I just switched from a digital version I had created myself on Word to this. My students LOVE Planbook because they can see due dates and homework and so forth. BUT it is killing me the way this is typed in. I need to SEE the week and be able to navigate and type directly onto the plans. I am considering not using Planbook because of this issue. I cannot tell you the number of times that I have had the box open and typed things and then when I see it in the book, I notice inconsistencies and then I have to go in and open the box and try to fix it, It would be great if you could select the items you want visible for the week (for me that is only homework and notes), and then click some sort of edit button and it would allow you to TYPE DIRECTLY INTO THE SECTIONS. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
I may leave the platform because this is slowing me down. The only reason I have not yet is because the kids love it so much. But it is taking too much of my time. -
Trisha Brummer commented
PLEASE DO THIS! I just switched from a digital version I had created myself on Word to this. My students LOVE Planbook because they can see due dates and homework and so forth. BUT it is killing me the way this is typed in. I need to SEE the week and be able to navigate and type directly onto the plans. I am considering not using Planbook because of this issue. I cannot tell you the number of times that I have had the box open and typed things and then when I see it in the book, I notice inconsistencies and then I have to go in and open the box and try to fix it, It would be great if you could select the items you want visible for the week (for me that is only homework and notes), and then click some sort of edit button and it would allow you to TYPE DIRECTLY INTO THE SECTIONS. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
I may leave the platform because this is slowing me down. The only reason I have not yet is because the kids love it so much. But it is taking too much of my time. -
Michelle York commented
Similar to this, when I'm editing in "maximize" mode, I no longer have access to the arrows to navigate to the previous and next lesson. It would be simple to add the arrows into the top bar even when it's in the maximum view.
I like having the extra screen space in maximize mode, but then have to click to minimize every time I want to then go to the next lesson, then click maximize again.
Anonymous commented
YES! I used to use and it allowed up to type directly into the lesson plan without the need for a pop up, which was incredibly helpful when using Copy/Paste functions. I teach multiple different classes with similar formats and constantly opening and closing pop-ups is frustrating.
Jason commented
I second Crystals comment about being able to select what's visible, however, I would at a minimum like to change the lesson title and lesson plan without having to click, edit and then save. Often times it takes the wifi and possibly Planbook longer to open the dialogue box, navigate to where I need to edit, navigate to the save button, and then close the dialogue box then it is for me to simply type a new lesson title, or make a small change in the lesson content. I estimate that a quick edit feature would allow me to work at least 3x faster!
lmiller commented
Stevan Flores, once I have my editing box open the Planbook window doesn't allow me to move it.
lmiller commented
My thought on this would be to allow us to edit the lesson right on the page without having to open up the individual days.
Crystal Ryan commented
I'd like to share a dissenting opinion. I would NOT like it, if it did this. If it were like this, it would mean I couldn't customize which sections showed each day. If you click to edit you can see all of your available tabs, but say I don't type anything into the "homework" tab, now it doesn't show up in my regular planning screen, which I like. If you just edit right on the screen then it would have to be there as some sort of placeholder. I like the cleaner look of all the multiple editing options being in the editing screen instead of the default viewing screen. This feature would either clog up default viewing screen as the editing options would now have to be visible all the time, or some options would have to be taken away in order to keep a clean appearance. That's not a good trade-off. I like the hidden editing options.
Beth Humeston commented
Be able to edit plan directly from templates without clicking on edit button.