Show multi day lesson once
When I extend a Lesson It would be great if, visually, it just took up a block rather than repeats everything each day. I am working through a lesson that is intended for three or four days and I'm adjusting it as I go. I just deleted the extended days because I don't want to adjust the lesson three or four times!

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Adam Shaw commented
Yes I would like to extend a lesson by an extra day or two WITHOUT having it create a new lesson for that day. Saves on duplication.
aolson commented
I would like to see this as well! Great idea!
Flowergirl commented
LOVE this idea!
Rachel commented
This is exactly what I'm looking for. As a K teacher, we have the same routine M-F for arrival, calendar time, etc. It would be great if you could "span" the lesson so that it takes up a rectangle space across multiple days instead of the column space for the weekly view. I need this info in my plans for a sub, but hate the waste of space/ink when printing my plans out for the week. Thank you!
Daniel Rivera commented
It would be great if you could "span" the lesson so that it takes up a rectangle space across multiple days instead of the column space for the weekly view. Great product, thank you for all that you do!
Iryna Bunetska commented
Yeah, exactly!
Leslie Notah commented
a box/ cell that is from Monday through Friday instead of a box each day with the same information
Ashley Anne Watson commented
This would be great for specialty teachers! I teach the same music lesson to one class from each grade every day!
teacher24_70 commented
Love this idea of Giselle's. I think it would work great for me. I write my plans knowing that they'll take several days. I hate having to copy/paste or extend when I sometimes make changes. I'd rather it show once across the days. I could still extend if I needed to, but it would just make the box bigger.
Kristen Shawley commented
Allow columns to be combined for things that are the same each day (such as morning routine). It would take up less space in the weekly view to have a row with all of the information that is the same rather than having it all typed out and showing 5 times.
Sarah commented
I find it frustrating to have to recopy lessons if I make any changes. A checkbox that asks if changes should be made to all lessons would be helpful.
J Clark commented
After extending a lesson, I've gone back and made changes. I'd like the ability to quickly apply these changes to the other days of the extended lesson, such as a dialog box that pops up and asks if you would like to apply to all associated lessons, or just that single lesson. Thanks for considering!
Cathy Gentry commented
this helps when I see a class every four days, remember that this lesson has been started but was extended into the next week. :) LOVE this program. Thank you for all the features!
Sandy Clah commented
Create a box that includes all days Monday through Friday for a content area. The SIOP lesson format is the same. I wondered if your company could create a this? It would save paper.
Stevan Flores commented
If your lesson exists in a single class, just right-click on the lesson and "Copy" it. Then go to each of the following days, right-click and "Paste". It will paste directly over that day and not affect any following days.
Michele commented
I need to go in and change a week of lessons and am not bumping the other lessons. I have 4 days of the same lesson that I need to change and don't want to go into each individual day and change all 4 days. The only way that I am aware of is to put my lesson on one day and then extend it for the amount of days that I plan to repeat the lesson. But if I do it this way, then it bumps my other lessons instead of changing only the selected lessons.