Switch plans between days
I re-use plans from the previous year but sometimes need to switch the order of lessons to fit the new schedule. It would be great to simply be able to switch plans rather than have to bump, copy, move, and delete current plans in order to switch them.

Miranda Stroik commented
When moving lessons around it would be nice to just swap lessons on a date instead of clicking to shift them around to create a space to move the lesson to. If there was a swap button it would be a simple switch.
Brenda Mundroff commented
Lisa commented
Eileen Southwick commented
Especially as we approach the end of the year, and I can't bump too far into the future without losing a plan at the end...
Erin Ohrlund commented
I would also appreciate this feature. Late starts and early outs due to weather often force me to make lesson plan swaps to fit the available time.
hcoffey commented
I would also love this feature! I've accidentally lost lesson plans trying to switch 2 around and not copying and pasting in the correct order! Any word on this??
Anonymous commented
Yes please!!!
Jennifer Dwight commented
Yes! I wish there was a way to do this.
Rachel Palmer commented
Yes! When you drag and drop, have it swap the lessons instead of overwriting or pushing a day ahead. Or as an additional option.
Kristina Johnson commented
Being a homeschooler my days can change daily and want make sure to get all lessons in. So being able to move plans from one day to another would be extremely helpful.
Anonymous commented
Yes. Amen.
Rebecca Craig commented
I would like to be able to change a Monday lesson to Tuesday and a Tuesday lesson to Monday, for example. Thanks
James Wells commented
A feature that would allow teachers to transpose two lessons.
Richelle Zbinden commented
Good Morning,
I think it would be great if there was a way to flip-flop lesson plans. Every now and then, I type things in the wrong order or have to flip around my week because of snow-delays, cancellations or whatever. Rather than having to cut and paste, it'd be nice if we could just "trade" the days around.
Richelle Zbinden