Display classes by time
When I view or print my schedule for the week, without lesson details, I would LOVE to have it display in relationship to TIME, not all bunched together at the top of the page. This would help my colleagues visualize empty periods in my schedule (I'm a librarian)! When one class is 90 minutes and takes up the same amount space as a 30 minute class, or I have a break of 25 minutes, it is hard to read that across a week.

tatiana.rodriguez commented
Highlight the current time 🕰️
It would be very helpful to highlight the current time, similar to how the current date is highlighted, so that I would visually know if I'm on time with my lesson/activity, running ahead [yay], or [sigh] running late. -
Sadie Morgan commented
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Hannah Crumbie commented
Is this planned to be done? I hate not being able to glance at the screen and have an idea at what times I am free. Takes much longer to look at each individual lesson time to figure it out. Please have the lessons lock into the times of the day so those at the same time are at the same point. Visually just so much easier and user friendly!
Barbara Kooima commented
Have the TIMES aligned horizontally, so that lunch is consistent across the page, the 1:15 lesson block lines up across the page, etc. Some lessons occur only once a week, or late start once a week, etc, and the times get all jumbled.
dawkinsstruckmanj commented
As an elementary teacher, not all my classes begin at the same time each day. I have small blocks of time on some days that push other classes down which means my main classes that I'd like to see straight across from each other don't line up.
Brittany McClellan commented
This would allow plans to look even by classes that happen at the same time. For example I have 2 classes during a 50 minute time block but have them entered separately as they are 25 minutes each. I have another class at the same time the following day but that class is the whole 50 minutes and would look better if it showed up bigger as if it were 2 block times.
Holly Johnstone commented
This would massively help visually.
It's really confusing when a Monday 9am lesson has a Tuesday 8.30am lesson right beside it.
Leave a gap where there is nothing scheduled instead of bunching things up.
A timeline to show where we are in the day would also be great. -
Tonya Greene commented
Please, please, please add this feature! It would help my visual brain so much :)
In the same way that the Google calendar has a red, horizontal line showing you where you are in the day - it would be great if you could add this. BTW - love your software. It's a stress-busting tool as far as I'm concerned.
Christine Hayes commented
Any update as to WHEN this will be added? This is what is holding me back from subscribing!!!
Christine Hayes commented
Did I write this? Because I literally came here to say this! The important thing is in viewing AND in printing. Both!
Nicole Brisson commented
Have the option in "day" view to "fast forward to the current period". Currently, I have to scroll quite far to get to the lesson that I'm currently teaching.
Also have the option in the "week" view to have a time "line" that shows where we are in the day. (For example, if we are halfway through period 8, the line would actually span across all the days of the week, but reflect the current time.)
Janene Swanson commented
We have been begging for this for years now... Please make my schedule display by time so I can visualize what my day is. (m。_。)m
Krystal Lapierre commented
This way I we can easily see when we have a spare or duty, and for how long.
Robin Rodgers commented
I was wondering if you could add a print feature so that I could print just my classes by day/time Monday thru Friday. I usually have to create a separate schedule in excel to add to the sub folder, but it would be nice to just get this from Planbook since the info is already all there. Thanks!
Lee Tysowski commented
Hi there, As a teacher I find it very helpful to have my day in coloured blocks of time. For example; a 1 hour class would have a bigger chunk of coloured time than a 30 min class would. Sometimes when you have to shift your lessons in the week quickly it's helpful to see where I could slot something in. It is also extremely helpful for substitute teachers coming in.
I am currently in my trial period but will be subscribing for this year. Would love to see the proportional time slots though. -
Sarah commented
Under "Plans" I would like to be able to see my day or week in the same way I view my classes in "Schedule View." Then when I look at my day, I only see the classes I have in the time blocks assigned (and not any plans underneath). When I want to look at the plan for a class, then I could click on the class and it would take me to my plan.
Whitney Timmerman commented
Yes! I completely agree. I really want to like Planbook, but this issue is really frustrating! I hope it can be fixed ASAP! In Google Docs, you can "merge" and "unmerge" cells to make the blocks the size you need. Would love that option here!
Heather commented
This says "Planned" as of October 15, 2017. Planned for when? Teachers have been asking for it for years! I hate that one class being a double period messes up the alignment for the rest of the day. PLEASE add the ability to display via the time scheduled!
Deborah Keep commented
Please get onto this suggestion ASAP.