Add "I can" drop down
We now have to add "I can" statements to our lesson plans. Having a drop-down menu with all these things would be a huge time-saver. T hanks!
Dober, Virginia commented
I need this too! Isn't there a way to have 2 tabs and 1 can have the I Can Statements as a drop down and the other has the standards drop down? My principal is requiring both but there isn't a practical way to put them in.
Chris Benson commented
As a district we have developed a large list of "I can" statements by grade level. I would like to be able to load them and be able to select one or several almost like the standard option.
Kirk Haynes commented
Additionally, add "we can" statements feature.
Anonymous commented
Yes! Having this built in would benefit us greatly!
Carolyn Petersen commented
I use the “List” section to put my “I can” statements.
Carolyn Petersen commented
I love the feature of tracking our standards. Please allow tracking in other categories, such as standards and lists. I use the list category for my "I can Statements" I would like to have the option of tracking how often I use those I can statements or teaching strategies.
Isaacsonj commented
This can already be done by renaming a tab as "I can" statements.
Ann Mumaw commented
Jolene Kayser commented
Also, it would be nice if the i can statements would be loaded on the unit plan/page.
Thank you.
Jolene Kayser commented
I would like the statements to be customizable and searchable. For example, I type up the statements and place them in a list similar to the standard feature.
LT commented
Adding an "I can..." statement in kid-friendly language to go with the standards would easily save me about 20-30 hours a school year! Please consider this! I could even write them for you. ;0)
Another idea would be to allow users to customize (write/copy & paste) those "I can" statements into their own standards list that's attached to their account. That way, whenever they add a standard into their plan, the pre-loaded "I can" statement that they've already customized for their needs is there.
Polly Giebler commented
Make this customizable. I use similar statements but are usually more complex with middle schoolers.
Anonymous commented
We love planbook! Is there anyway to get "I can" statements in all grades? Thanks!
Angela commented
We have to have both I can statements and standards. It would be nice if I could add those I can statements that you have listed on Standards to another tab area.
Mique Buck commented
Student Will Be Able To (SWBAT) option would be amazing! There are many publicly available statement options based upon the CCSS. Why not offer the option with the Key standard selected? Every lesson can potentially link to several if not many different standards, but selecting a key or leading standard with the "I can" or SWBAT offers a large time savings benefit when writing plans.
dan kibby commented
link national common core standards to the student friendly "i can" statements. administrators are requiring i can statements in our lesson plans. here is a link to view the standards. once you select a standard it automatically gets linked to a i can statement. if more than 1 standard is selected the teacher has the power to select the i can that they prefer.
Mandy Robek commented
Many districts are requiring learning targets written as I can statements for each lesson in kid friendly language. It would be nice to be able to type them in as a lesson or standard but in a separate box that could be extended or bumped - individually and not attached with the lesson. I wish standards could do that too. We could find the I can in the tabs across the top and in the list of go to.