Long range plans
Long range plans overview for the year for each subject area in a week/month view aside from the actual lesson plans -- to view the general overall plans for the year at a glance -- like a pacing guide for all subject areas...

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Jenna Hayes commented
Currently, you can view your plans by week, month or day. When I am planning a unit that usually takes more than 1 week, It would be nice to be able to see 2 weeks at one time on the screen. When you view your plans as a month, the boxes are way to small and you have to scroll each day to see entire lesson. So this is why viewing your plans as a 2 week would be better.
Penny Thompson-Burke commented
I got great customer service from Meghan and she showed me how to do it.
In month view, click the filter button and select just one class. See the "sections" submenus, and click "none" for all of them, EXCEPT Lesson Sections--for this one, click Lesson title. You don't need to save preferences. Then, X out of this and go to the Send To button. Choose PDF document, Layout: Month (Class), and under "items," click "no items." You should see the one class selected that you choose in the view mode/filter. Select your date range for multiple months (or whatever you wish). I choose landscape format, and I'm not sure if portrait mode works--I'm not sure why it wouldn't. Hit the "send to button" and your PDF should be ready to view. -
Amy Wakefield commented
View 2 or 3 weeks at a time instead of one month so that its easier to plan classes that only take place once a week like special classes. This way I can see what I taught last week and how far I got as I am planning the next week.
Sanderson, Becky commented
Having an option to see 2 weeks of lessons would allow you to see what you did & where you are or where you are & where you're going. The boxes on month view are too small on my laptop to be able to look at anything beyond the class name.
Anna Johnson commented
I can see a week at a time or a month at a time, however when planning units or long projects it would be useful if we can pick the number of weeks to display all at once.
James Kennedy-Zimmerer commented
When planning a unit, I know plenty of teachers like to plan it by the number of periods/classes required. When planning a unit, it would be great to write out how many classes we would need, and fill out the info for each class in one place. For example, I want to make a unit on trigonometry. I would plan as:
Class1: Identifying triangles
Class2: FInding missing angles
Class3: Test etc.
It would be great if it was all in one place as I am planning the unit. Instead of choosing the date range, I would choose the start date, and how many classes I fill determines the end.
When I save, it will fill in my planbook automatically, from the start date and filling in each lesson until the unit was done. -
Sharelle Vandborg commented
Be able to see all units for each subject in an excel-type gantt chart. Therefore for each week you can look and see which units should be taught that week, and what is coming up.
js commented
Especially while planning a new class, this would be hugely helpful. What topics do I want to cover and how many weeks might they take? The ability to easily drag and drop them around on a generic monthly calendar would also help to set up the master plan.
Eileen Flershem commented
Please make this easier than templates - those are way too confusing to find!!!
Bonnie Hickman commented
I'm a bit discouraged that this suggestion has been up for SIX years and it still has not happened. How do we know if anyone from the corporate office actually reads or acts on these suggestions?
SWeiland commented
Totally agree with Jen. I am going through last year's plans and adding them to units and it is so time-consuming. Lots of scrolling and rescrolling.
Amber commented
I LOVE Planbook.com, but this is definitely one feature I have found myself looking at different online planbooks for since it is soooo essential to teaching. Please Please integrate this soon! I would love a separate tab that I could view one class/subject and it would show a year or month view so I can create a scope-sequence and long-range plan. Thank you for always listening to the needs of teachers!!
Michelle Dunwoody commented
This would be especially great in light of the epidemic. We need to have everything ready in case we get sick and someone needs to take over for a stretch. I remember in university they would call it the Drop Dead plans....just in case the "worst case scenario" happened.
Celia Piper commented
It should automatically set up when I build the new school year calendar. I should be able to subdivide each class into various stretches of time and then just write in what I am covering in that slot. If I could toggle back and forth between the long-term view and the regular weekly plan view that would be so helpful.
By the way, I have grown to really really like your product. It is a huge help to me. Each year I get better at using it. You have incorporated lots of great ideas which have improved it a lot..
Tona Speltz commented
I'm looking for a way to plan out my entire year for each curriculum I teach. I love all the features about planbook, but this feature is misisng and would save a lot of time. See the commoncurriculum.com for a idea of what I am talking about. That website doesn't offer nearly everything planbook does, but does a good job with a curriculum timeine.
Michelle Beer commented
Have an option to apply units to the weekly/monthly calendar so you don't have to click on each day within the unit to apply all the work you did when completing the unit.
Also allow a feature to open a created unit and add in daily plans for the full range of the unit without having to go in and out of each day.
Jamie commented
I teach 3 classes in a rotation and love that I can create units to copy the lessons, but would like to be able to change the order of the lessons in the unit.
Jenna Olson commented
Make it easier to link lessons & units with the classes, not the times of day they are taught.
Melissa commented
This would help with block planning and if it could auto populate next year skipping no school days - WOW that would be great!