Print Unit with option to include all detail
It appears it is no longer possible to print out unit plans. An option that would print a unit plan containing all lessons from a particular unit would be very helpful for long range planning and reporting.

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Jade McAnulty commented
Yes, I agree, I love that you can export all the lessons - but then I feel that all the information I have put into the unit plan is needed as well
Brenda Wann commented
IS this happening as I'd really like to be able to print a unit!
Daniel Kennedy commented
When printing / exporting, I would like to choose a unit to export. It's such a hassle to figure out the dates and use them, plus sometimes there are days within a time period that don't apply to the unit.
Nolan Grady commented
I agree. I have to turn in my unit plan for the entire year, and I'd like to be able to export it as a PDF as we can with the weekly plan. Please put this in!
Also, please link the timetable/classtimes with Google calendar
Trisha Kavanaugh commented
This would be extremely helpful!!
Anonymous commented
When I have added assessments and assignments to a unit, I want to be able to see the details of those within the unit view and when I print. I need to be able to show my program completely, and that includes details of assessments and assignments, not just the name of them.
Erika Whitlow commented
This would be an extremely helpful option!
Katelyn Robinson commented
Can you please add the capability to export an entire unit plan into a word document (preferably a table in a word document). All information regarding the unit would be at the top of the document and then the lessons (including the activities, materials etc) would be in chronological order underneath.
Sharon Lappenbush commented
Having the capability to print all the lessons attached to a unit would help to review the lessons to make sure I have covered the appropriate outcomes.
Iryna Bunetska commented
I had to do a term plan for one class, basically just arrange the units and provide description, but it was a bummer to find out that I can only print out one unit and it’s description. What is more, it would be more logical to add the description to the fields of the lesson so them it would be easy to assign the units to the lessons and print out the term plan with the concrete dates. What is more, it would be easier to create the lesson if the description was a part of the lesson editing.
Amy Meyer commented
It would be extremely helpful for the unit detail to print in the lesson plan - otherwise, how will you remember what you are supposed to do in the unit if it just has a title and no direction?? (Especially for a sub)
Nicole commented
I would love this as an option! It would allow me to quickly review all the lessons in a unit before starting to teach it.
Anonymous commented
OMG yes!
Lamoureux, Nicole commented
It would be helpful to be able to share and print the outine of units for each subject for the year. When I go to the units page it shows the outline of topic with dates for the year. We are required to submit this to Administration and it would be great to share with grade partners. Then it is located in one spot, I don't have to retype a year long plan.
Christine Reading commented
I am using planbook for the first time this year. I want to print my unit, along with the standards, resources listed, and assessments that are in the lesson plans linked to the unit. How can I do this? It would be great for it to print as a unit organizer grid.
Anonymous commented
Option to Print a list of all the lessons in a unit.