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  1. Allow one off replica lessons

    I teach high school and have the same class taught during 2 different hours. Sometimes the lessons need to be altered slightly from one hour to the next but I can't edit if I have selected it is a replica class.

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    Good news! You can now create LINKS between individual lessons. This allows you share a set of lessons between class sections, and if you’d like to customize a specific lesson for a section, simple unlink it. Hope that helps, any questions please let us know!

  2. Put back copy and paste

    I used to be able to copy from one day with font, size and color, and paste to a different day. Now it will paste the info, but you have to go back and redo the font, size and color.

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    completed  ·  Chris responded

    We have added back the ability to copy/paste with formatting. If you have any questions, please contact us at



  3. Email notification for new comment

    teachers would receive an email when a comment is made on their plans by the administrator. Then they know to go into their plans and look.

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  4. Allow multiple schedules for a class

    Sometimes I change my schedule in the middle of the year. I would like if the previous days stayed the same. That way, when I went back to look at my previous year's plans, it would show my original schedule in the beginning, and then my second schedule after the date of change.

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    completed  ·  Chris responded

    During the course of a school year, you may need to adjust one or more class schedules (to change the days or times you teach the class), but you’d like the change to only apply to all future lessons, and not change prior lessons. When you update a class schedule, you will now be asked when you would like this schedule change to take effect.

  5. Add banner row for all day events

    It would be great to have some events to just post as a banner at the top of the lesson plans. This would be useful when certain things are due (progress reports, report cards, meetings, etc...) I love how I can have all of my subject boxes the same size, but it would be wonderful to have an Event, Reminder, or Notes section above the first lesson of the day.

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  6. Print a partial day

    I would like the option to print plans for part of my day. This way if I have a sub in during a meeting or for a half day I don't have to print the whole day out for them, I could only print the portion of the day that I need.

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    Good news! We’ve added Start Time and End Time to our Print Options. This allows you to control the lessons you print based on their start/end times. Hope this helps, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Thanks!

  7. Allow custom print headings

    My principal wants what grade we are teaching listed on our lesson plans we hand in. Currently, you show our name, and the weeks dates, but there is no where to input or show upon printing our grade (or for other teachers sections/subjects).

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    Good news! You can now customize your print headings! To customize, click Go To > Display Settings > Print Layout Header. You can choose your own image, and what to display on the top left and top right of each printed page.

  8. Add month view for events

    I know that you can click on events and it lists all events! However, I would like to click on events and see a calendar format, month by month. This was, I can print the month's events all one page and not have to print events that were scheduled at the beginning of the year!
    I have started using the events feature for EVERYTHING! I love it!


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    completed  ·  Chris responded

    The month view will now show all classes and events! As with the other views, you can use the View Bar to hide any classes or items you do not want display. If you have any questions, please contact us at



  9. Save printing options

    Pre-set printing options. I have to have very detailed lesson plans, so I use them in class daily. I print the day view for one day, which means selecting view, deselecting the standards, materials, etc., choosing the range, etc. etc. Have a quick print print the next day's lesson, lesson only, and done. Or, have a programable set of options to customize. I appreciate the flexibility, but it also sometimes means having to wade through many options to get something precise. When I do this 180 times a year, that option would be great!

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  10. Allow lesson sections unique to class

    Different template settings for content areas. Allow math to be different from science lesson plans.
    My state requires certain language arts formats for lesson plans, but the other subject areas don't have a specific template. However I have to apply the language arts template to all my classes using this program. Keep up the good work!

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    You can now define a unique set of lesson sections for each class, to ensure your lesson structure fits the specific needs and pedagogy of each subject you teach!

    To add or modify your lesson layouts, click "User Settings" > "Lesson Layouts".

    To connect a lesson layout to a class, go to your "Classes" page, edit the class, and select the lesson layout.

  11. Share a Lesson Bank

    My colleagues and I "divide and conquer " entire units and curriculum. If we could put these lessons in a central sharable bank it would be more efficient than only being able to share scheduled units.

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    Good news, we’ve added a new method for sharing plans between teachers! You can now enter individual teacher emails, select specific classes or lesson banks, and set view or edit rules for each lesson section. When combined with our new Lesson Linking feature, you now have a much more effective way to enable teacher collaboration! To learn more, visit our knowledge base at

  12. Color Picker - Allow hex codes

    When trying to colour code my planbook, I'd like to be able to be specific with my colour choices by typing in a hex code instead of choosing from the colour picker. This also allows me to use the exact same colour choice when matching text to class colours.

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    The new color picker in Planbook allows you to select a color from one of our sixty preset color options, via a full color grid, or by entering a color code (Hex, RGB or HSL)!

  13. Quick hide/show individual lesson

    On the display of the lesson beside the drop down menu you could create a button that you could press to hid the lesson and unhide the lesson. This would make navigating daily lessons tons easier and allow for more versatility in using the planbook for all around planning.

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    You can now quickly hide/show the contents of all your lessons, as well each individual lesson!

    To hide/show the contents of all your lessons, click the "Hide/Show Details" icon in the top menu.

    To hide/show the contents of an individual lesson, click the "Hide/Show" icon at the bottom of each lesson box.

  14. Remove template from single lesson

    Just as we are able to cancel school days as an event, I would like to be able to cancel classes that are arranged as templates so that I can adapt to school assemblies, mandated testing schedules, and a myriad of other assemblies and events in the life of a school that make all of my classes go topsy turvy. As it is set up now, it is VERY CONFUSING to have to type "canceled" below a scheduled block of time/ subject heading then rewrite what I do have to do within a completely different timeframe, etc. Just take a…

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    A single template can now hold information for all lesson sections, and can be applied to multiple classes across multiple school years! You can also schedule a single template for multiple days of the week, attach files to a template, and add or remove a template from individual lessons.

  15. Allow more items in lessons

    In addition to lesson and standards, I would need several other items in my lesson plan in order for me to use this. My administration requires the following in my lesson plan:
    1. Standard(s)
    2. Essential Question
    3. Daily Objective
    4. Bellwork
    5. Learning activities
    6. Assessment/Evaluation method
    7. Homework

    That said, I really, really like this website and would be 100% interested in using it if I could have access to all of the items that I needed. Thanks for creating this....its an amazingly wonderful tool!

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    completed  ·  Chris responded

    We have the ability to create up to 8 lesson sections, and to name these as appropriate. If you have any questions, please contact us at



  16. Change one event in series

    Adding a detail to just one event in ongoing events. I have daily recess as an event. It's everyday. I would like to add Recess Duty to just the days I have duty on the recess event.

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  17. Allow teachers to set default font

    I have to use the drop down menu to change to the font I want for all my classes and everyday-annoying. So please allow teachers to choose their own default font!

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    You can now select a default font and size that will be applied to all labels and menus in Planbook!  You can also choose to have this default apply to your classes and lesson layouts. Note that you will be able to override the default as needed for individual layouts, classes and lessons.

    To adjust the default font and size, click "User Settings" > "Display Settings" > "General", and select your preferred Font Family and Font Size.

  18. Add a collaboration option

    Our school recently purchased a school-wide license. As a classroom teacher I have other teachers coming into my room to support my instruction (ENL, special ed, Speech, Occupational Therapist, etc). It would be nice to be able add collaborators to my plans so that they may add/expand upon the plans to that I have made to better support a co-teaching model.

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    To simplify the process of sharing lessons, we’ve added support for class collaboration. Multiple teachers (or a single teacher with multiple sections) can now “share” the lessons of a class. A change made by one teacher will automatically update the lesson for all teachers who share the class. To allow others to share your lessons, edit the class, and set Collaborate to “View Only” or “View/Edit”. To share the lessons from another teacher, edit your class, and set Collaborate to “Replica”. You’ll then be able to select a teacher and class to share the lessons.

  19. Split screen view of two year's lessons with copy feature

    It would be great if we could split the screen and see last year's plans and this year's plans side by side (ie. first week of school of each year). Then, to be able to copy lessons from one year to the next.

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  20. Copy assignments to another class

    In much the same way as I can copy lessons from one year 7 class to another, I'd like to be able to copy assignments from one to the other.

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    You have left! (?) (thinking…) now allows you to copy assignments and assessments between classes! To copy assignments or assessments, select the Copy button to go to the Copy page. Do not hesitate to contact us at with any questions. Thanks!

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