Allow one off replica lessons
I teach high school and have the same class taught during 2 different hours. Sometimes the lessons need to be altered slightly from one hour to the next but I can't edit if I have selected it is a replica class.

Good news! You can now create LINKS between individual lessons. This allows you share a set of lessons between class sections, and if you’d like to customize a specific lesson for a section, simple unlink it. Hope that helps, any questions please let us know!
Amy commented
Maybe a bulk copy/paste could do the job here. As in, if you have the one "parent" class set up the way you want, Planbook could simply copy the content from the "parent" class to the "child" class. That way it's not a replica per se, and can be edited on the fly without changing its replica status.
aolson commented
Absolutely! I have one class that I copy twice for two other sections. If I could then go into those sections and add something particular to a certain section, that would be perfect!
One problem with copying and pasting which makes it a problem--if one small change is made, you have to recopy every section. It's very easy to make mistakes if you have to do that frequently. Sometimes things come up, and it can be really frustrating to be checking and rechecking that each section is copied accurately. So, DO NOT mark this complete.
aolson commented
That is a wonderful idea! Copying the lesson every day can get very tedious. It would help to have the option of "interrupting" the replica by being able to edit a period that is normally copied.
Crystal Ryan commented
You can do this by copying and pasting the lesson. I do this. For example period 1 and 2 are almost the same, except for a few tweaks. I just click the little down/options arrow on period 1's lesson and then click "copy" all. Then, I go to period 2's lesson and then click "paste." This sounds like a feature that already exists, so this should be marked as completed.
Polly Giebler commented
I have 2 classes that I teach 3 times during a day. The 6th graders invariably get off for various reasons. I sometimes want to bump a lesson for a particular back a day or modify something to accommodate the students. Currently, I can't replicate the basic lesson and then move and modify as needed.
I also use the title to input certain events that only pertain to that hour and if I add something for one class all the classes get that title.
aolson commented
Is there a way to get the Assignments and Assessments to copy automatically as well as the rest of the lesson? That would be a nice feature to add to the Replica piece of Planbook.
aolson commented
If there could be a checkbox on a lesson to be an "exception" to the replica and be able to make changes for that individual day, that would be fantastic!
Bill Dekleine commented
This is the biggest missing link for me. I have just been copying lessons into different sections and making adjustments as needed but it is tedious and time consuming and I'm prone to adding errors. I would like to build a "parent" class for each subject and then have "children" classes that can then be modified and adjusted as needed, including bumping or skipping entire lessons.
Anonymous commented
Yes, yes, yes!!!! I'm a music teacher and teach the same lesson across multiple classes at the same grade level. I usually set these up as replicas, but occasionally I'll need to just one class period and it is frustrating to toggle in to turn off the replica and then return and turn it back on. I'd love for the information to be automatically duplicated across classes, but then be editable within a single class.
Shay Shay commented
There is a slight workaround with this. If you add it as a replica, and then mark it as not a replica, the content stays, but you gain editing ability. It does not support unit copying though.
Shay Shay commented
Yes! I teach several sections of each course and I would love to be able to copy the content and plans and then edit them each independently. This would also be perfect if the lessons were more modular and not tied to dates (I teach MWF and TTh course sections as well)
Nicole Pruente commented
I would love to be able to alter a replicated lesson. Sometimes I teach the same lesson but need to differentiate the lesson for different sections.
Gretchen O'Brien commented
I would like to be able to share plans with teachers where they can edit the plans to suit their needs without affecting the plans I have in my playbook.