Allow custom print headings
My principal wants what grade we are teaching listed on our lesson plans we hand in. Currently, you show our name, and the weeks dates, but there is no where to input or show upon printing our grade (or for other teachers sections/subjects).

Good news! You can now customize your print headings! To customize, click Go To > Display Settings > Print Layout Header. You can choose your own image, and what to display on the top left and top right of each printed page.
aolson commented
I project my lesson plan every period on the whiteboard. Is there any way to have a "display option" to decrease the empty space above the date? I realize the company wants to display the logo, but it takes up a lot of space on the screen along with quite a bit of white space.
Janet Jefferson commented
Allow teachers to add their names to their lesson plans.
Tim McCarthy commented
There should be a button that you can select to get rid of this. Maybe it would allow you to enter a different header or allow the lesson plans to be moved up a little. Frequently this causes my plans to be cut off of the bottom. I have to cut this off every page before I put the paper into my planning binder.
Sara commented
I teach 4 preps and print out the whole year of the class plan to see where to start and stop each unit. Next to the heading "Day View" or the year by my name, it'd be useful to have class name also repeated on each page in case they get separated
Sari Weltmann commented
Place the school name on top like how teacher name is listed
Brian Bearss commented
Planbook is great and saves me lots of time. However, as a paying customer of, I find the large "" header to be a little overwhelming and unnecessary. I've already decided that it's worth paying for the service and I don't need to be reminded that I'm using plan I'd like to be able to create a custom header (like the name of my school) to feature at the top of the page. If the folks at planbook feel that's it necessary to print "" on every page, couldn't it be place a little more unobtrusively in the footer or in the corner?
Anonymous commented
When I print out my plans, the logo in the middle of the lesson plan heading. It is distracting from the date, and my name. I would like
my plans to look neat and personalized when they
are diplayed online or on my desk. -
Pamela commented
When the PDF is created to print the lesson plan, it puts the date awkwardly on the left side instead of on the top of the lesson so instead of printing that way, I use the main page and choose what lessons I want viewable and print from there. It looks so much better than the PDF!
Kelli Wise commented
I'd like an option to not have the Page #s appear at the bottom of a page of lesson plans when printed.