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  1. Show lesson details in Copy Page

    I would like to see the details of my lessons when in the Copy Page and List mode like I could in the previous version. This is important because it does not help me to see the same lesson title over and over again without seeing the different things I am doing each day within that lesson.

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  2. Add template to bank lessons

    I would like to be able to save my template so that when I am adding additional lessons to the bank for a unit it will automatically pop up with the template instead of me having to copy it into the blank extra lesson every time.

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  3. Teacher search by state/subject

    I'm teaching Arkansas History for the first time this upcoming year. I'd like to find other similar teachers in our state that may be using and might be willing to share lessons. The only way to accomplish such a request is to be able to search for teachers by subjects and ask if they'd be willing to share or collaborate. I also teach German which isn't too common in Arkansas so it would be nice to collaborate with teachers of other states where German is more prevalent. With all of the technology we have, it is a shame that…

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  4. Print notes and To Do with weekly plans

    I would love to be able to print my "notes" on the same page as my "weekly plans". I can only print them on two separate pages and it is slightly frustrating. I end up just writing my notes on the page so I don't have to waste paper, since we are a "Green School".

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  5. Integrate with Microsoft Teams

    Share to (or other integration point with) Microsoft Teams.

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  6. Add students to certain periods only

    I love planbook but it's not completely geared towards secondary. I teach high school and we have many periods. I love the feature where you can add students and grades but you can't add certain students to certain class periods. You can only add them to a class only. I would like to keep all my students separated by periods, not all 160 together. It's not practical when entering grades. It's not practical to add a different class for each period if it's the same prep. I want to do one lesson plan but have different periods for that one…

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  7. View 2/3 days rather than week

    For View, I can choose Day, Week, Month, List.
    More useful than Month, in my opinion, would be Today & Tomorrow
    Or, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
    This would allow teachers to see the day in context.
    So a Monday lesson would be presented with the previous Friday's (without having to flip from one week and the next). Plus I can see tomorrow's plans.

    The Weekly plan squeezes 5 days (M-F) in to 5 thin columns. This option would have 2 or 3 days nicely spaced out in wider columns on the screen.

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  8. Allow Google Calendar items below plans

    I wish I could put my lesson plans above the Google Calendars. I love the integration with Google Calendars, but I would like the option to put the plans first, so I can avoid scrolling down.

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  9. Quick add lesson to bank

    Have a bank button in the lesson box. That way if I do not want to do the lesson that week, I can quickly bank it instead of having copy.

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  10. Allow lesson standards to be applied to Units

    I would like a way for each of the standards I add to an individual lesson plan to automatically be listed in the standards area of my unit plan as well

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  11. Assignments for all class sections

    It would streamline how quickly I can enter grades into the gradebook. I have multiple sections of the same class and I would love to be able to assign the same assignment and assessment to those sections in one shot rather than one by one.

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  12. Copy - Select multiple lessons

    When in the class section and you show all lessons for importing a lesson, it would be great to click on the previous lesson and it automatically select that date as the starting date and then either ctrl click or shift click for the end range.

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  13. App for Mac Laptop and Desktop

    An app for Mac laptop and/or desktop to work offline.
    Wifi in schools are notoriously unstable. It also would eliminate the hassle to log on permanently. Thanks!

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  14. Unit plans to include lessons, assignments and assessments

    When creating unit plans, I would love to be able to add my lessons, assignments and assessments, instead of having to go to a separate section. Maybe by offering a check box to indicate if this portion of the unit plan is a lesson, assignments or assessments.

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  15. Copy template with the lesson

    I have created templates for some of my lesson plans, when a teacher goes to copy my lessons what I have in the template does not copy --- which is frustrating! i would love for teachers to be able to copy my lessons that I use a template for and have all information carry over.

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  16. Open rather than download attached files

    I would like to see the ability to open attached files from my plans rather than downloading them and then opening them.

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  17. Allow immediate typing in lesson

    Right now when I open a particular subject, I have to then click on the text field to start typing. It should default to immediately being able to type in that field.

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  18. Lock template to day option

    From a template, add the ability to "Lock It" to the day, such that bump/extend do NOT shift other lessons over the template on the locked days.

    I have planning at different time each day. I teach title reading and we take the same day off a week for each class to allow for planning. For example, I have Monday off every week for a certain class. For another class, my day off is Tuesday. If enter that as a no class day, that time block doesn't show up in my lesson plans. A sub would look at that and…

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  19. Automatically number lessons

    It would be helpful if each lesson was automatically numbered (like schools days are automatically numbered). I have a 2 week timetable where I might see one class twice per week for two weeks, but another class I might see 3 times in week one and only once in week 2. This means that these classes are out of sinc - I have to manually number each class so that I know where each one is up to.

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  20. 18 votes

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