Copy - Select multiple lessons
When in the class section and you show all lessons for importing a lesson, it would be great to click on the previous lesson and it automatically select that date as the starting date and then either ctrl click or shift click for the end range.

EmmettEcho commented
Цахим спортын бооцоо сонирхогчдод зориулсан энэхүү платформ үнэхээр гайхалтай! Та DOTA 2, CS:GO эсвэл бусад өрсөлдөөнт тоглоомд дуртай юу, энд танд шилдэг тэмцээн, тоглолтуудад зориулсан үнэгүй бооцоо, хадгаламжийн урамшуулал, тусгай үнэлгээний өсөлт зэрэг онцгой урамшууллуудыг санал болгоно. Тоглолт бүрийг том боломж болгож, цахим спортын бооцооны туршлагаа дараагийн түвшинд хүргээрэй. Битгий алдаарай—илүү их хожих боломжийг бүрэн ашиглаарай!
Roymond Koubong commented
Being able to copy multiple lessons and pasting it to a new week is a big TIME-SAVER for me and several of our teachers at our school. For example, I have pretty much the same template for my ELA lesson plans so all I'd have to do is replace the lessons with a different topic and page references/resource links, etc.
Jessie Rezba commented
I upload files of answer keys and notes every year. When I copy to the new year I want them copied without the files, just the basic lesson information.
Michelle York commented
I added the following comment to another post, but it actually probably fits better here:
It would be really nice if there was a way to "map" the lesson sections at the beginning of the year (or when copying). If I change or rearrange my lesson sections for the new year, then when I copy lessons from the previous year the fields get copied to the wrong sections. It copies from "section 1" of the previous year to "section" 1 of the new year--even if the lesson sections are not in the same place now.
So I often have to copy/paste text from section to section once I've used the build-in lesson copy feature.
I'm not sure if this make sense. If I have "lesson details" in lesson section 2 last year, but I moved it to section 3 this year, then the wrong text gets copied to the wrong sections.
Maybe the first time that you copy from Year X to Year Y, it could ask you to map/correlate which sections should match up when copying the lesson.
I guess this would also have to be addressed if copying from another teacher's Planbook. They may not name their sections the same as I do and then everything gets placed in the wrong fields/sections.
Amanda Ruth commented
I really wish that when you copied lessons, you had the ability to choose if you wanted other tabs you created in each lesson to come over. For example, I have a notes tab that is in each of my lessons. Each year I rewrite this section or do not need notes for one reason or another. Then when bringing over my entire lesson I get notes from last year that are not needed. It is a pain to always make sure to go into my notes section and delete last years information that is not needed for this years students.