Teacher search by state/subject
I'm teaching Arkansas History for the first time this upcoming year. I'd like to find other similar teachers in our state that may be using planbook.com and might be willing to share lessons. The only way to accomplish such a request is to be able to search for teachers by subjects and ask if they'd be willing to share or collaborate. I also teach German which isn't too common in Arkansas so it would be nice to collaborate with teachers of other states where German is more prevalent. With all of the technology we have, it is a shame that some states are still lagging while other states seem to have more training in certain areas just because those subjects are more common. Hopefully you can try this or point me in the direction of how I can already do this. Thanks.

Paula Hounsell commented
Would it be possible to allow teachers access to the lesson that are shared online, even if you are not in that school or even that country.
Michelle Munro commented
I am creating a list of activities that you can play on the ice and thought that others might like to have some suggested games to play. I know we can share them with those we already know, but if there was a site that we could search up games/lessons, all of us that use planbook.com would be able to access these. This may even encourage other teachers/schools to purchase from planbook :)
btice commented
Yes!!! Many of us use the same curriculum and would all be taking the time to enter in the same plans. This would be very beneficial and time saving!
Ryan Cleland commented
Teachers could choose to make their lesson public and searchable by grade, subject, unit and lesson. Finding a great lesson would be only a click away.