Add template to bank lessons
I would like to be able to save my template so that when I am adding additional lessons to the bank for a unit it will automatically pop up with the template instead of me having to copy it into the blank extra lesson every time.

Renee Lane commented
I love that things do get better every year, but this is one of those things that drives me NUTS.
Templates = daily/ lesson routines
Lesson Banks = a group of lessons (like all the lessons around the story of Icarus)
Units = a collection of lesson banks (the stories within a unit)By this logic, I should be able to build a template, apply it to a lesson in a lesson bank, then use that lesson bank within a unit. But you don't allow that and it is extremely frustrating.
Instead, I end up creating my templates as a lesson bank and then copying that lesson bank over to a new lesson bank so that I can build my lesson banks. Which is just silly.
Cynthia Neal commented
I suggest a feature be added that allows templates to be applied within Lesson Banks.
Dana DuComb commented
I also need an answer to this question. Is there one?
Anonymous commented
That makes lots of sense. If the goal is to complete lessons in Lesson Bank and then transfer/copy them to the lesson plan, it seems like this would have been the first place the template would have been implemented.
This was "planned" back in October 2018. Not it's November 2020. Will it be coming out soon?