Automatically number lessons
It would be helpful if each lesson was automatically numbered (like schools days are automatically numbered). I have a 2 week timetable where I might see one class twice per week for two weeks, but another class I might see 3 times in week one and only once in week 2. This means that these classes are out of sinc - I have to manually number each class so that I know where each one is up to.

Tine Willis commented
I open the class on list view to get to see the lesson number
Tiffany Robinson Carra commented
This says planned as of June 04, 2016. Has this happened?
Rebecca Olivares commented
I am on a rotating schedule in a HS. I want a counter for the number of times the classes meet. For example, a counter for 3rd period (the name of my class) and a separate counter for 7th period.
Aaron commented
I know it still says "planned," but this feature is available when you view your plans in "list" view. Once you have entered all your holidays and no-class days, a the list of plans is basically a numbered list of lessons. I have used it this summer to see exactly how many meetings I get with a class before Christmas, before the AP exam, etc.
What would be more useful for me is for lessons to be numbered within our seven day cycle. We have a drop-2 schedule which repeats every seven days, with all classes getting five meetings over the course of seven days. There are some days where I see two sections of the same class, but one of them is on their SECOND meeting of that seven-day cycle and the other is on their THIRD meeting of that seven-day cycle. I manually number them now, but it would be great not to have to do that.
Lynn commented
Yes, a lesson number tracker would be great. My curriculum is set up by lesson numbers. I would love to be able to enter in say lesson number 1 and have the program automatically increment the lessons by 1 over the rest of my teaching days. This would allow me to see what day I am scheduled to teach a particular lesson.
Kit fenton commented
What do people think of having a lesson counter? It would count each class separately. So on any given day I could be on lesson 82 for one class (Yr 10's) but only on lesson 76 for a different class (Yr 9's). Would be handy to know how on track I am.
Mrs. Holloway commented
For example, next to Spanish I a box with the day number [1] with option of total days of the section [1/180].
You could toggle on and off for overview so teachers can still have as it currently is and have it show up by default in long form (Day 1 of 180 of Spanish 1 - Section A) in an unobtrusive color and font on specific lesson plans.
Lisa commented
When you view a class in the list view you can see what day class you are on, I would love to be able to see that in the week and month view also!