Quick add lesson to bank
Have a bank button in the lesson box. That way if I do not want to do the lesson that week, I can quickly bank it instead of having copy.

KW Inc. commented
I would like to be able to create a lesson in my planbook and then have the option to add it to the lesson bank or a unit.
Jen Canacci commented
PLEASE!!! I love the idea of bank, but it's just to cumbersome to add lessons to the bank and vis versa. I'm nervous because this suggestion is 3 years old.
Tiffany Walker commented
Sometimes I create a lesson but for some reason I don't end up teaching it or decide I need to do something else. I don't necessarily have a specific date for this lesson so I can't just move it and risk it eventually being "bumped" out of the school year. There should be a way to easily choose to move a lesson from the planbook to the lesson bank.
Teri commented
When you click the down arrow for lesson actions instead of just having delete lesson as an option it would be nice if "archive lesson" was an option and it would then shift the lesson into the lesson bank.
Amanda Joseph commented
Add pre-existing lessons to a lesson bank. I want to be able to create a lesson, click a button to add it to a lesson/unit bank, and then be able to access it in future years without having to go back to find it and then copy it.