Add students to certain periods only
I love planbook but it's not completely geared towards secondary. I teach high school and we have many periods. I love the feature where you can add students and grades but you can't add certain students to certain class periods. You can only add them to a class only. I would like to keep all my students separated by periods, not all 160 together. It's not practical when entering grades. It's not practical to add a different class for each period if it's the same prep. I want to do one lesson plan but have different periods for that one class and add students to each period but same prep. I shouldn't have to copy a lesson 6 times a day just to be able to put my students in a different class. Please make the planbook geared towards secondary teachers too so we gave the option of using these features.
Bridget Adelsberger commented
I am in the same boat. I see the entire school of 600+ students and it is to much work to sort through everyone to assign them to my classes. I currently use another app for seating charts and tracking student work because of this. :-(
Sue Brown commented
Yes, please!! All secondary teachers are in the same boat here.
Gerrybreen commented
I agree. It is the worst feature of Planbook and is putting me off it. Assignation to a class using a pre existing Google Group with a couple of clicks would be ideal. Finding students to assign to a class after importing the CSV is ridiculous.
Laurie Forsman commented
It is very cumbersome to import a CSV file of a section, only to have it and the other of my NINE sections put into a giant pool of all the students. If I then want to assign students to a section, they are all together. I have 153 students. I have no earthly idea who is in what section at the beginning of the school year. And even if I did, I would not want to drag and drop them into sections. My choice should not be either "drag and drop" or "assign all students".