Print notes and To Do with weekly plans
I would love to be able to print my "notes" on the same page as my "weekly plans". I can only print them on two separate pages and it is slightly frustrating. I end up just writing my notes on the page so I don't have to waste paper, since we are a "Green School".

Robert commented
I asked for this 2 years ago and it is still "planned" .... seems nothing ever gets past this stage
Kayleigh Kelp commented
It would be great when printing to have the option to print plans AND to-do list, or even plans and notes together on the same page. Right now I have to choose to print plans and print my to do list separately. It could be an added drop down option to print weekly plans with to do list so teachers could choose to have it or not. I’d love to have my weekly plans laid out and have my to do list printed in the blank column after Friday (there’s a blank column when printing weekly). It would make looking at my plans and checking off my list easy. It would also allow teachers to have their notes handy on their printed plans as well. I know my school district requires us to print out and turn in plans every week, having a todo list or notes section on the same page would allow for more communication as well.
Robert commented
When using the equal size lessons option, teacher notes should still print. Also, the equal size boxes should be equal on both pages ... not just equal for THAT page.