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  1. School Day counter by quarter or semester

    I teach quarter, semester, and yearlong classes and would like to be able to see which day it is during each class.

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  2. Allow teachers to set the font style and size on the lesson screen during input

    I need the default font size to be bigger as I am typing. Ideally, it would be the style and size the display will be. Even wearing my contacts and my readers, the default size 10 Arial is too small. I have to make it bigger every time. I have been using Planbook since 2015, and this is my biggest pet peeve!

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  3. Send notification for new features

    When planbook adds a new feature [or updates] send email option or line notification at beginning of week

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  4. Make a "baseline" year

    I want to be able to make a baseline year that has all of my units and lessons exactly as they are in my pacing guides. It's not working for me to copy from previous years because I make too many changes that I don't want to keep for the next year. I went back to a year before I started using planbook to create this myself, but it's a challenge since the calendar defaults to the current year. If the baseline could exist without being tied to a particular year, that would be helpful.

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  5. Show one lesson at a time

    When I use minus or plus buttons in lessons bank, all lessons are shown or hidden together. It would be interesting to hide or show only one lesson at a time.

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  6. Please add more tabs to UNIT plans to include Universal Design.

    UBD includes the following:
    Transfer skill
    Enduring understandings
    Essential Questions
    YOu can find out more about it anywhere. . . .but I know my district would be more likely to want to pay for planbook for its teachers if it could connect our UBD units with lesson plans.

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  7. Delete all plans for year/month/week

    I think it would be nice to have a delete button for the year, month and week. Sometimes I have to start over or maybe I made a mistake and this would make fixing it a whole lot easier.

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    To delete a group of lessons for a specific class or your entire year, just click Go To → Classes or School Year. Here, use the three-dot icon in the upper-right to select “Manage Lessons”. This will allow you to select up to one year of lessons quickly to delete those quickly.

  8. Change the cover page each year so we don't see the same face every time we log in.

    Change the cover page each year so we don't see the same face every time we log in. Maybe a nature scene, or anything with lighting and artistic composition or flair.

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  9. Lesson Banks

    While teaching a unit that I copy and past from my Lesson Bank into my Daily Plans, I often make changes to those lessons as I'm teaching them or add additional resources items.

    Why can't we have on option to update our Lesson Bank immediately with the changes we make to the Daily Lessons from that Lesson Bank

    Too often I loose my changes because I made them in the Daily Lessons as I teach each day because I have to remember to also go back to the Lesson Bank and update those lessons also with my changes.

    It's so…

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  10. Copy bullets from Google Doc, text does not wrap

    When I copy and paste text from a Google Doc into my lesson plan that contains bullets, my text does not wrap. Therefore, when I go to print the lesson the text runs off of the page. If I clear the formatting it will work, but I lose anything that was bold text, underlined, etc.

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  11. Retain screen position when saving lesson in bank

    Currently when you adjust a lesson in the bank, when you save the lesson, the screen takes you to the top of the bank instead of staying in the location that lesson that was adjusted is in.

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  12. Expand single lesson

    When in the Lesson Bank, it would be great to be able to expand a single lesson when you select the "+" sign in stead of clicking it and all lessons in the bank expand. This way we can expand only those we want to open. When navigating to the lessons at the bottom of the bank, to make adjustments to, after you select the "+" it automatically takes you to the top lesson in the bank.

    Thanks :_)

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  13. Thank you

    I love the new schedule button where I can look at my entire schedule and drag and drop!!! This just saved me a plethora of time. Now I can print this too and not have to make another one in google!!.

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  14. Allow administrators to be able to see units created by teachers

    Some of our teachers are just using to plan at a unit level and I currently can't access their unit plans.

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    When viewing a teacher’s plans, you may click on any Unit ID in order to see more details about the unit, including the date range it is applied to and the text within the unit sections. Please let us know if you have any questions, thanks!

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  16. Add dark mode on Web and Apps

    With dark modes becoming so popular on websites, on apps, and on operating systems as a whole, it seems like an oversight here! This should be implemented in all forms that Planbook exists.

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    You can now choose to display your plans in normal (light) mode or in dark mode!  You can also select to have the mode automatically adjust based on your location and time of day.

    To adjust your light mode, click "User Settings" > "Display Settings" > "General", and update the "Theme" settings.

  17. New login picture

    I have been using for a number of years and really enjoy it. But I think its time for a different log in page. I would like to see something new, the teacher pointing at a student is out dated. What do you think? I don't want that to sound sarcastic but just something new.

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  18. spell check

    I really wish that there was spell check when you are typing in your lessons.

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    All major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari) now provide spell check capabilities as part of their standard functions! We recommend double-checking your browser settings to ensure Spell check is enabled. Please let us know if you have any questions at all.

  19. Section to add notes to students

    Hi, I need to make some notes on each student such as SEN data etc.. however when I click on a student it only allows me to enter email, details etc... how can I make notes for each student please

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    To allow our teachers more flexibility in the creation and management of Notes and To Do items, we have moved these to their own page in Planbook!

    When adding notes, you can also indicate if the note is specific to a student and/or a class in your plans.

  20. Add "view only" user type

    I have staff members (support staff, teaching assistants) that need to be able to see multiple classes easily but I don't want them to have to any admin privileges in terms of settings and such. At the moment I have just enabled it but I am worried about it long-term.

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