Add dark mode on Web and Apps
With dark modes becoming so popular on websites, on apps, and on operating systems as a whole, it seems like an oversight here! This should be implemented in all forms that Planbook exists.
You can now choose to display your plans in normal (light) mode or in dark mode! You can also select to have the mode automatically adjust based on your location and time of day.
To adjust your light mode, click "User Settings" > "Display Settings" > "General", and update the "Theme" settings.
Zee Dubs commented
I have experienced what might be an issue with dark mode displaying lesson plans. The text beyond the first line of the lesson plan shows up as white (on white background). I believe the mode is supposed to set the background of each days plan as "dark" but doesn't accomplish this. I'm using the latest version of Chrome and Edge. All other things look dark, however.