Expand single lesson
When in the Lesson Bank, it would be great to be able to expand a single lesson when you select the "+" sign in stead of clicking it and all lessons in the bank expand. This way we can expand only those we want to open. When navigating to the lessons at the bottom of the bank, to make adjustments to, after you select the "+" it automatically takes you to the top lesson in the bank.
Thanks :_)
Michelle York commented
This is marked as completed. Could this be made to work in daily Plan view? If I have my day's plans open, I would like to be able to collapse each lesson as I complete it so that the current lesson's details show close to the top with only the lesson titles for the previous lessons shown above that.
Michelle York commented
Is this available now when in Lesson Planning View? I'd love to view the day's lessons and have only the current lesson (according to lesson time) expanded to show details, while other lessons are minimized to only show the title. Of course, we would need to be able to hide/show details by collapsing/expanding as needed.
Michelle York commented
Collapse individual classes in daily and/or week view. I would love to be able to collapse the details of a class as I go through my day. Right now I have to uncheck classes from view to hide the details when I want to just see what's left in the day. Or it could automatically collapse classes based on the time of day. If the class time period has passed, that class' lesson details collapse/hide (but could be uncollapsed if you need to go back to see something.