Allow units to be copied
Just like I can copy lessons to my repeat classes (I teach middle school), I'd love to copy units to repeat classes. I can change the class in the first drop down and save, but this seems to move the unit rather than copy it.

Copy Units is now available! To copy units, simply click the “Copy” button from the Week View, and select Units. Any questions, just let us know!
Alison Truchan commented
I find the copy capabilities very limiting and extremely confusing. For example copying from one year to the next (jt has been a disaster!) I would like to be able to copy my Units from year to year and be able to adjust the lessons as needed. I would love if the Unit were "universal" so I can access it no matter what class or year I am currently viewing so I can copy to the date I want in my current year. I teach the same thing year after year but the order of my lessons might change or I might have to modify the same lesson for another class. It is frustrating to have to copy an entire block of lessons just to have to readjust them again. When I open the Unit I can see all my lessons with attachments. I would like to be able to click the lesson I am interested in within that unit and have an option to copy to a date of my choosing.
English teacher commented
Next year I will teach units in a different order than I did this year. Without the ability to move or copy units, I have no idea how I will easily rearrange within the school year. Ability to move/copy/save units is critical.
Anonymous commented
Need to be able to copy Units from one class to another rather than have to enter all the data again. Please!! I teach several groups doing the same SoW.
Dave Spittal commented
This is just what I need. In the first lesson I would add a Unit and if the Unit lasts say for 15 lessons then the next 15 lessons of my planbook get autofilled irrespective of which days they are on - that would be cool
Anonymous commented
Yes - please, do add this asap!
Annie Montguire commented
Yes, yes, yes! A must for middle and high school teachers. Without this, unit feature is just not worth time
Dawn Smith commented
love the units feature, and since you've added it I've organized all my lessons accordingly. Please create a way to import entire units into new classes. It would be so much easier than having to import by date range. Also, it would allow us to import the "unmodified" unit while still providing flexibility to bump/extend lessons from year to year as needed. It would allow others to import just the unit instead of searching for the date range.
Leah Schmuker commented
I agree. Otherwise, I am not understanding the point of the unit feature????
jayson.england commented
I'd like to be able to add lessons to a unit and then be able to import the unit over to the next school year. This would make sure that all your lessons for that unit are grouped together.
Melanie Braddy commented
This would be sooooooo helpful as I have five sections of each class I teach.
Amy Blythe commented
I would love to use the unit option for my technology classes. I focus on one objective or project for several weeks and would like to just make it a unit.
teacher24_70 commented
I agree. This setup is unusable for me. I'm thinking about seeing if I can create a couple of "Lesson Bank" classes filled with lessons. I could then import the general sets of lessons into any class that I want and then edit to customize and differentiate for those classes.
I haven't even tried this yet, but I can foresee one hiccup with the number of available days to add lessons. A true lesson bank would have unlimited "slots" to add lessons. I would almost rather see a lesson bank added to planbook. I could then choose to add certain lessons from the bank into Units (as long as these units were then able to be added to any class).
Hope this makes sense. If anyone else has an idea that would help make this work-around work well, I'd love to hear them.
Patrick commented
I love the units feature, and since you've added it I've organized all my lessons accordingly. Please create a way to import entire units into new classes. It would be so much easier than having to import by date range. Also, it would allow us to import the "unmodified" unit while still providing flexibility to bump/extend lessons from year to year as needed.
Ashley commented
Yes, I stopped using units because of the way they are set up!
John Klassen commented
Absolutely agree with the other comments. I have been caught by this issue. I created units for semester 1 classes and now can't reuse them for the same class in semester 2. If I want the same structure I have to retype it all. What a pain!! Please fix.
Bronwyn Trewin commented
Yes. I teach Secondary science. This year I have three at Year 10 and three at Year 9. Not having this feature is one thing stopping me using exclusively for me planning.
Bridget Adelsberger commented
I would not only like the option to copy the unit but just apply the unit to several classes. Like the PE comment below I teach several classes of the same grade level in the library. I would like to do the unit one time and then attach it to each class it applies to.
Rebecca commented
I agree! I teach physical education and have more than one class per grade level. It would be so useful to be able to copy units, since they are always on the same unit per grade. Thanks.
jfiedorowicz commented
Absolutely. Need the ability to copy units.
Kelly Nelson commented
Same here... just ran into this. I teach the same units among multiple grade levels and it would make life much easier to be able to copy to different classes.