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  1. Quick Add student keys

    It would be nice if, when a teacher is sharing to their students, they could enter all the student keys at once. Perhaps separating them with a comma or adding them into a batch format of some kind. This would be instead of entering in each key, saving it, and going back into it again to share with the next student.

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  2. Print Sub Notes with Plans

    It would be nice to be able to print Substitute Notes along with a day's plans just as we can with regular notes. This way it can all be in one file rather than two.

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  3. Mobile Apps - Add equal size boxes

    I like keeping my lessons lined up across the page that way if I finish something one day I can continue to the next days plans without hunting for it. So I would like equal size boxes as a choice when I'm ready to print from the iPad app. Thank you

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  4. Add grade 13 - for the UK!

    In the UK we go up to Year 13. Please could this be added as an option?

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  5. Copy or Add Year - Skip or Preserve blank lesson days

    When a school year is copied to create a new year, there should be a prompt that asks if we want any "bumped" days to be copied. There are a few subjects where I have bumped several days, resulting in days that just show my templates, and I must go and delete them all.

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  6. Copy or Add Year - Select lesson sections / attachments

    When importing lessons from another teacher, you get the lesson, the standards and the notes. I would like to choose what part I want to import. Most the time I only want to share the lesson, not the notes as they are specific to my class.

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  7. Add students to certain periods only

    I love planbook but it's not completely geared towards secondary. I teach high school and we have many periods. I love the feature where you can add students and grades but you can't add certain students to certain class periods. You can only add them to a class only. I would like to keep all my students separated by periods, not all 160 together. It's not practical when entering grades. It's not practical to add a different class for each period if it's the same prep. I want to do one lesson plan but have different periods for that one…

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  8. Create a portal for teacher info

    When students go to the teacher website it would be nice to show students about my profile, general downloads (like forms, school information) that are related for most classes and all students. Other websites for teachers offer a portal, but Planbook lacks that. A picture of the teacher, etc. I wish students could reach to the portal first and then to the calendar.

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  9. Integrate with Canvas

    If possible, integrate Planbook with the Canvas learning management system by Instructure. Canvas has a calendar which will indicate what activities/assignments/quizzes are due on any particular day, but by no means does it offer the features, details, and flexibility of Planbook (for example, the ability to extend, bump, or pull back lessons). Planbook and Canvas are both excellent tools for educators, and it would be wonderful if such a merger could happen.

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  10. Download all lesson attachments

    At the end of the year I want to download all the attachments to lessons. It would be so much work to go through and individually download them all. Please help out with this?

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  11. Quick Copy standards from lesson to lesson

    Please make it possible to quickly copy (drag and drop) standards from one lesson to another

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  12. Improve google drive picker

    When I pull up drive to attach files, the organization of my files is different then it is on google drive. I see folders that should be inside other folders. It would be easier to find the files I want if the folders came up like they do in google drive. Instead I see every folder on the first screen even if it is actually inside another folder.

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  13. Add more lesson sections

    Please allow for more than just 6 lesson sections.

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  14. Print My List descriptions independently

    While the standards description might not be necessary on the lesson plans, the description for "My List" items might be. It depends how you use that section I suppose. In my case, I'd like to be able to have the descriptions for "My List" items, but not the standards. Also, it would be nice if one could select default options when printing.

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  15. Create new unit from lesson editor

    It would be nice if when you were making a leson, in the drop down menu to assign a unit, there was an option to "create a new unit." This would make it easy to group sets of lessons that only last for one week.

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  16. Mobile Apps - Portrait view on tablet

    I would love to be able to view my plans in portrait orientation on the iPad app, especially when looking at a single day.

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  17. Copy - Select multiple days or weeks

    My weeks don't change much throughout the year. I teach a unit for 6 weeks, but throughout those weeks a lot of the same information is present in my plans. If I could copy an entire week and then go through and edit the changes for the week I wouldn't have to recreate every lesson every week. This would be much the same as I would do with Word; just open up the old document, make changes, then Save As a new date.

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  18. Attach files to Views (Students, Substitutes, etc)

    I would love to be able to upload files to the notes pages. Sometimes there is a particular document that I want students to practice daily but I do not want to write it in my plans daily. Also, if this option was available on the sub notes page I could upload all important documents such as, class lists, fire drill forms, extra handouts etc.

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  19. Integrate with Schoology

    A lot of teachers seem to be using LMS's (Learning Management Systems) more and more. From my research (and now personal use) Schoology is becoming very popular, but one thing you can't do with Schoology is good lesson planning within the LMS. I know lots of teachers would like a one-stop type place to take care of business (which is why you get requests for things like adding a gradebook to your program), and Schoology integrates third party apps for use right within their system, such as Google Drive, Evernote, Remind, Khan Academy, YouTube, just to name a few. Having…

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  20. Print without templates

    Add a check box under the print options "Templates" just like you have under viewing so that I can print my lessons with or without the templates. I use the templates mostly for details to give a sub. I don't need them printed for myself when I make a hard copy as they are the same every time.

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