Change background color of class
While the coloured headings are helpful, it would be great to change the full background colour of the class block as well. I am a very visual person and I like seeing the full separation of each class. This is a feature of another online planbook that I used to use and it was great to have.
Mvcampano commented
I agree. I see that this request was marked as completed, but I don't see the option in the Display Settings to change the background of the entire class block. I would like to be able to set the background color for section A to be different than Section B within the same class. Thanks.
T'Weaver commented
So, do answers ever come to our questions, or do we just go on making do with colors we hate?
Kristi Zoerhof commented
It appears this has been completed. Can you please tell me where to find this option? I can see how to change the background of the class title and the ALL the lessons, but I would like to change the background color of the lesson to match the title of each class. Thanks for your help!
Stephanie commented
I wondered! I was looking for a way to change the color of classes because I have changed my mind on what colors I wanted. So there is no way to change the color?
jking commented
We have a severe limited supply of ink so the colored blocks use more ink...even when printing in black and white mode. Having the option of no color would be helpful!
Bronwyn Trewin commented
Yes! I like coloured blocks,