Attendance Tracking
I would like to have an attendance template that I could add to classes. I would input my own students for the different classes but be able to keep track of their attendance right in my planbook.
You can now track your student attendance! Attendance includes both absent and tardy, and can be tracked for the entire day and/or by individual classes. You can access attendance from the Add button, or from the Lesson Action drop down for each lesson. We are working to better integrate student attendance with class seating, to allow teachers to track attendance directly from class seating charts.
KeturahM commented
I think this addition would be a great one!
ewlarry commented
Add an area to check behavior that can be checked which can generate behavior grades through planbook: E -excellent, G- good, S - satisfactory, N - need improvement. I teach kindergarten and I talked school to sign up for planbook cause I liked the lesson plan and saw it had a grade book.
Brian Rounds commented
Yes please!!!! This is a great idea for an addition to this great tool!
Anonymous commented
I need this too! When I signed up for the program I assumed this was a feature available to me. I would love to see this added as it is important.
Beth Hicks commented
I an getting use to the planbook and I love it. I have been able to figure out how to write lesson and keep up with grades all in one place. That is great. However I would love to see an attendance template of some kind so I can also keep attendance in one place since I do not put my attendance in as the other teachers do. Then I would have all my everyday records in one place at one time. Is that possible?
teacher24_70 commented
I would also like the ability to take attendance for each class. This would keep me from having to flip back and forth between multiple programs every time I switch classes. I am an interventionist, so I would only have half a dozen or so students in each class.
Sandy Swan commented
I would like this too. I love the upgrades, but I loved planbook from the get go!
Lilian Wong commented
Function of taking register
Rebecca Fordham commented
This will allow for planbook to do everything since you now allow for grades to be taken! :)
Alison Plump commented
I currently use a separate program for attendance and grading. If you could add a simple way to enter student attendance I would be able to use just Planbook. The format of Planbook is so user friendly, I would love to use it for everything!
Lisa Foster commented
Section to add names of students who were absent
Yes! I need this feature too!
smcarnahan commented
add an attendance feature