Allow separate Student/Parent/Admin views
My principal wants to see my entire plans online. My students only want to see the relevant homework for their own classes. Since my administrator does not have planbook, the only opportunity is to share everything to everyone. Kids: overwhelmed! Could we have the option to share various versions? Maybe per class if we want?
Good news! You can now create as many “View” links as you’d like, and each can have its own unique set of information to share (classes, lesson sections, lesson status, date range, etc.) This allows you to define unique Views for students, parents, substitutes, administrators, or any other group you’d like!
You can also now include “View Notes” for each View, to provide any general information you’d like to share that is not tied to a specific day or week.
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Amanda Vice commented
Your principal needs to get an admin account.
S. Cripps commented
I need to share my plans with my principal and would also like to share them with students. My students only need to see my "Homework" and "Lesson" sections but my principal needs to see them all. Since I can only make one sharing key, this can not happen.
Crystal Ryan commented
Some of these comments may be old as they are asking to be able to share only one class to different groups, which you CAN do in the sharing options and you can turn on/off different tabs as well. However, what has still NOT been addressed is a principal/admin view. If I turn off my teacher only notes like differentiation then the admin can't see it. If I turn it on then the students can see it. We need a special link for admin only that allows them full access to all classes/tabs/sections.
Mona Martin commented
This would work for grades, too. I wish I could share just grades and not plans with students and parents.
Stephanie S. commented
I would LOVE to have a parent view different from teacher view so I could share with my TAs specific students I want them to work with, specific data points and IEP goals that we are working on, etc. but I can't include them currently because I share my plans with parents through the student key and can't "hide" any classes (I teach pre-k and have each section of my day in planbook as "a class", so just being able to hide a class from parent/student view would fix this for me)
Christine Mathers commented
I, too, have wished for a way to only allow students to see their own class periods. I use to keep notes on parent communications, in school record keeping, etc. and I don't want anyone but me to see those notes. Also, once I have given the user key, the person will have access until I change the access code, which could be difficult depending upon how many people I have already shared it with.
Julianne Irving commented
Is this still planned?
Stacy Finelli commented
YES! Please create a separate view for administrators vs. students. They need to see items for our evaluations that the students/parents do not. This would be very beneficial when sharing our plans with the admin who is looking for specific things like differentiation, etc. that would not be shown on the student view.
Nicole Privett commented
I want to see plans of other teachers without syncing them.
Heather Metz commented
I have embedded my plan book on my website, but it looks a bit cluttered. It would be great if we could choose what exactly the student sees. I would like them to just be able to see the subject and the assignment. There is no need to show times. Right now I have lunch and recess set up as a class, because there isn't another option and this also shows up on the student view.
caroline.gannon commented
I agree 100% I would love a key for admin so they can see all the work put into the planning including the standards and notes.
Jennifer Goetzinger commented
I agree with this. Parents too could be overwhelmed with standards, technology, etc.
LewF commented
I concur, can this be done?!
Heather Metz commented
I have embedded my plans into my website, but it gets too busy showing all of the classes (Recess, lunch, specials) and times. I like the view option that we have on the lessons page. Could there also be this option for parent viewing as well?
t commented
Broadcast emails to parent groups
Rebecca Conner commented
Separate student view and parent view. Students can view their bellwork, assignments, missing work, pass out of class and any attachments provided. Parents could just view the assignments/ homework and reminders for the week. This provides parent communication with one click!!
Justin Blake commented
Collapsible content in student view. I would like to have the standards description collapsed since they confuse my students, but are required by my administrator. Then have an expand button so my administrator can see them.
Anonymous commented
I want to give teachers access to view my planbook without having to import my lessons. To do this in the current format, I made a student key that they could use. I also want to be able to have my students access planbook. However, I don't want the students to be able to see all my notes and all the attachments like the teachers would. It would be great if you could create multiple keys for access; or, even better, if you can create a key for each class separately so that students can only see the plans for their actual class.
Anonymous commented
As it is now, in order for teachers, department chairs, and administrators to see our lessons, we have to import our lessons to another teacher/admin who also has This way you can see all of the lessons, standards and differentiation/modifications. However, each administrator will wind up with roughly 20 different teachers plans on their display. What a mess!
For students and parents, an internet link can be made in the "sharing" component to see the daily plans and attachments with a student key (easy). On the link, teachers can show lessons, homework, and attachments (and standards if you want to), but you can not show "differentiation." Unfortunately, an administrator looking for evidence of differentiation for a TAPS evaluation would not have this in the student/parent link.
Can an "administrator link" be made that would allow a teacher to exclusively share linked plans with administrators? That way, an administrator would not have to be on and have all of those imported plans. He/She would just have the link to a teacher's lesson plans. He/She would see the lessons, links, differentiation, and the standards - different that what a student/parent sees with the "student key." This should give an administrator access to the evidence needed for our TAPS evaluation (under TKES, in GA).
Amy Eckstein commented
I teach three different grade levels, three classes each grade. I would like to share all of 6th grade's lessons plans with ONE link, all of 7th grade's lesson plans with a different link, and all of 8th grades lesson plans with a third unique link. This way the parents can view only their child's lessons and not the other classes their child does not have.)