489 results found
Performance Report - Add more filters
I'd like to be able to print just some assignments or just some classes. I don't take grades in every class and I have lots of families without internet access so I need to print.
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Allow teachers to assign school students
Allow admins to upload a list of students, and then allow teachers to assign those students to specific classes in their accounts. Currently, admins have to assign students to specific teachers.
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Sort assignments by Unit ID
- so I can see every lesson and activity which applies to each unit.
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Standards taught by grade level
I am a librarian and I often do the same lesson for each class in a grade level. I have all of my classes set up in Planbook as I often use it as a calendar of sorts, plus if I need to change something for a particular class then this works well.
When I go to standards reporting, it shows that I taught a standard 4 times. It is counting the four times I taught that standard to each of my 4 fifth grade classes, for example. I'd like a way to see how many times I taught that…
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Priorities for tasks
I would love to simply have the addition of "Top" to the list of priorities. I use Top, High, Medium and Low routinely (akin to four quadrant method for time management).
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Allow "Show Assignments" to be pinned
Have the option to select either None, Prior, or Next it become the way the grades are set in your gradebook. Right now, I have to select this every time. It would be beneficial to choose whether you see all assignments or just assessments when grades are opened.
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Put notes into a journal
put notes into a journal thing so that they can be displayed over time instead of having to find them later. I like to view my notes but I have to LOOK for them. A journal for each class would be great. Just take all the notes from that class, put the date from the lesson above them and put it in one exportable doc
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Print My List
To date, there is no way to print the my list page. This has been an issue for my school that the accommodations (created in my list) be printed and added in 3 different plan books in my room. I had a review a few days ago and did not receive a good mark for that portion due to the inability to print from my list. This functionality needs to be added.
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Default point total for grades
If I don't check to make sure that EVERY assessment or assignment is set to 100 points, then the grades can be calculated to average over 100 or (even worse) be calculated incorrectly lower. Also this would save many keystrokes over the year :)
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Standards Report - Allow admin to filter frameworks
When an admin is looking at teachers and the standards they have covered, we need to scroll through each framework and then each subject area for each teacher. It would be nice if we could eliminate what we don't need and only have available what we need to choose from.
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Box to check for assessment on plan page
When entering lesson be able to quickly check that it is an assessment, assignment, lesson. Allow checked assessments to create a standards based report card.
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Upload files per student
I use Plan book for lesson plans. I would like the ability to upload scanned paper tests (required by district) into a student profile where only the student or parent could see the file. It would be amazing if I could hyperlink it from my lesson plans. When the parents log in to view lesson plans if an assignment is in blue it links them to the image of their child's performance on that particular assignment
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Print assignments with all detail
I would like to be able to print an assignment in list form from the assignment screen with full details. Right now, the only thing that prints is the title of the assignment. This does not help me when I am writing substitute plans.
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Performance graphs
Could they implement performance graphs of the students in the defined periods, in order to study their evolution? This could be included in the Perfomance Reports of the Grades option.
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Google Classroom - Post more than one calendar
I would like the ability to connect more than one Google Calendar to a class in Planbook. I use CourseSites (Blackboard), and it would be wonderful if the URL calendar I exported to Google Classroom could show up on lesson plans in addition to the Google Classroom link.
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Allow progress reports for students per unit .
I would love to be able to print a progress report for my class by the unit we study. I would find this especially helpful in Math class. On our report cards, the Math portion is divided into separate categories: Number Sense, Geometry, Data Management Measurement etc. My units generally focus on one of these areas. If I could print progress reports per unit, then I would have a more accurate account of how they performed within these separate sub-categories in Math.
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Mobile Apps - Set gesture to edit lesson
Instead of a single touch to open a lesson for editing, give the settings option to change the required gesture to a “double-tap” in order to open a lesson for editing. The ability to open a lesson on the ios app can make the user experience very frustrating when trying to quickly view a lesson because the device may register an intention for scrolling the information as a request to open the lesson.
For those who like the immediacy of opening a lesson to edit on an iOS device might prefer not to force everyone to double tap and therefore…
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Allow "All Grades" in Standards Reporting
Allow "All Grades" option in Standards Reporting
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Print multiple teacher plans in one document
Is there a a way to select multiple teachers' lesson plans and print them in one document?
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Preview strategy before adding to lesson
I would love to be able to click on Teaching Strategies to see description before I add them.
1 vote
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