I would like the option to make the boxes for each class to shrink and expand based on the length of the class. For example, the class that is an hour long should be larger than the class that is 20 minutes long. I am very visual and this would help me a lot! Having the option to go back and forth would be helpful when I am printing so it doesn't take up as much space.
Also, the ability to have a class split up during the day would be helpful. I teach elementary and I start a lesson and have to finish it after my kids go to specialist. Right now, I have to put these in as two separate classes. Having them be one class with split times would make "bumping" and "extending" lessons much easier.
I would like the option to make the boxes for each class to shrink and expand based on the length of the class. For example, the class that is an hour long should be larger than the class that is 20 minutes long. I am very visual and this would help me a lot! Having the option to go back and forth would be helpful when I am printing so it doesn't take up as much space.
Also, the ability to have a class split up during the day would be helpful. I teach elementary and I start a lesson and have to finish it after my kids go to specialist. Right now, I have to put these in as two separate classes. Having them be one class with split times would make "bumping" and "extending" lessons much easier.