I would like to be able to bump or extend specific portions of a lesson for a class. I have a block period and cover several components in that time but sometimes only need to bump or extend a portion. For instance, I did teach the warm up but did not finish a writing lesson. I also don't want it to bump or extend the homework to the next day. Is there a way to give me a choice about what to extend and what not?
I absolutely LOVE my planbook.com and have found it to be a wonderful time saver for me and resource for my students!!! Thank you for this extraordinary product!
I would like to be able to bump or extend specific portions of a lesson for a class. I have a block period and cover several components in that time but sometimes only need to bump or extend a portion. For instance, I did teach the warm up but did not finish a writing lesson. I also don't want it to bump or extend the homework to the next day. Is there a way to give me a choice about what to extend and what not?
I absolutely LOVE my planbook.com and have found it to be a wonderful time saver for me and resource for my students!!! Thank you for this extraordinary product!