My school has fixed period times. Please include the ability to set Periods in the School Year settings, such that fixed times are recognised by "Period 1", "Period 2" etc. When adding new classes, allow lesson times to be entered by these text identifiers (i.e. Period 1 etc.) instead of by a time range, which is cumbersome at best. Then have a Display Settings option to get planbook to show "Period 1" etc. next to Lesson Title. This would be a huge improvement, e.g. making it much easier for teachers to quickly identify what lesson slot they are working with during the day (e.g. for equipment bookings).
My school has fixed period times. Please include the ability to set Periods in the School Year settings, such that fixed times are recognised by "Period 1", "Period 2" etc. When adding new classes, allow lesson times to be entered by these text identifiers (i.e. Period 1 etc.) instead of by a time range, which is cumbersome at best. Then have a Display Settings option to get planbook to show "Period 1" etc. next to Lesson Title. This would be a huge improvement, e.g. making it much easier for teachers to quickly identify what lesson slot they are working with during the day (e.g. for equipment bookings).