Allow units to be copied
Just like I can copy lessons to my repeat classes (I teach middle school), I'd love to copy units to repeat classes. I can change the class in the first drop down and save, but this seems to move the unit rather than copy it.
Copy Units is now available! To copy units, simply click the “Copy” button from the Week View, and select Units. Any questions, just let us know!
Tracey Tinsley commented
This would also be extremely beneficial to elementary PE, health, music and art teachers who teach several section of the same grade.
gsiffer commented
Allow Units to be created without being attached to dates. This way when you want to copy and paste your unit the following year it will all be in one place, not cut apart and all over.
Julia Fuhrman commented
This feature would make much more appealing to high school teachers who teach multiple sections of the same course.