Allow units to be copied
Just like I can copy lessons to my repeat classes (I teach middle school), I'd love to copy units to repeat classes. I can change the class in the first drop down and save, but this seems to move the unit rather than copy it.

Copy Units is now available! To copy units, simply click the “Copy” button from the Week View, and select Units. Any questions, just let us know!
Claire Mahoney commented
It seems like it is making me place that unit to a certain date when I try to copy it. I just want to copy it from one school year to the next so that when it is time to do that unit I have it available. I don’t know if that makes sense.
Anonymous commented
So we can't copy units from one year to the next? Seems to be a major flaw
Tmaginity commented
I would like to be able to enter an entire unit at a time and then pull the lessons into plans. Currently, the option is only to assign a unit to plans that are already done. If I could enter the unit and then pull the lessons for that unit into my plans, it would be much more convenient.
Gail Dunham commented
Copying a unit is critical. I need to be able to take all of the lessons for a unit as a group and copy them to a start date of my choosing for next year. The unit link should be a holding tank, as mentioned in another post so that I can plan all of the unit lessons and then assign them when needed. Please, please, please add this functionality!
Laura Gordon commented
For example, My Unit 1 is "Fractions" for my 1st class. I need to "copy" this "Fractions" unit to my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Class.
Mvandd commented
The major reason I use is to document my lessons to use the following year. Well, I have spent a year documenting and now tried to copy them and it won't let me copy from one year to the next. MAJOR flaw. I am very disappointed.
Audra Lind commented
Would be nice to be able to select "multiple classes" when creating a Unit, Template or Lesson, so that we don't have to repeat ourselves. For those of us who teach multiple hours of the same course, but would like to keep them on separate planbooks, recopying all of the units and templates is very tedious.
Keith MacKenzie commented
I, too, wish to be able to copy sections from one class to another. I have a regular math and an enriched math. Both work from the same plan, but Enriched has additional lessons not conducted in regular math.
Christie Rennie commented
As teachers, we spend a lot of time creating units. It would be nice if we could assign a unit we created last year to the current year. I created a unit last year that I'd like to populate in my plans for this year, but I'm having to copy and paste every day out of the unit into my plans this year. Existing units should be able to be assigned every year.
Lainey Battles commented
I teach three different sections of a science and a social studies class. This would be a tremendous help to either be able to copy units or add multiple classes to them.
Lauren Black commented
I just ran into this problem. I teach multiple sections of the same class. I like the prior comments saying that units and their lessons should be universal. All in all though, I find this program: (1) cost effective, (2) offers much more options than its competition, and (3) single classes can be embedded into online platforms, such as EdLine or Haiku.
Betsy Evans commented
I want this feature too!!! I have two sections of 2 different classes. I don't want to create the unit twice!!!
Kylepost commented
Or make the units available for multiple classes. So like you select your unit, then have a check box of what classes you want to attach the unit to.
Steven Nahill commented
Be able to copy units with lessons to a class just as easily as copying lessons by class.
Aubrey Nichols commented
Copy units between classes.
Laurie Forsman commented
OMG I just signed up and spent all this time setting up my week and added one class. This is ridiculous that one cannot copy these. I should be able to set up an entire section (class) just as I want it and then choose other sections that need to be exactly the same!
Michelle commented
Yes, please!
Megan commented
Ditto! I have been searching for this for about an hour and just kept swapping the unit from class to class. Please let us be able to copy units to other sections!
Anonymous commented
I would love this option as an elementary librarian. I teach the same lesson to each class in the grade. So, same unit covered for a few weeks. Would love to copy units.
Anonymous commented
Hear hear! I love this idea. It would also be useful to be able to copy from teacher to teacher for those of us who collaborate on units.