Open links into New Tab
Open all links into a new tab.
Nathaniel Brotzman commented
I also want this, I like to be able to use my plan page to have at a glance all my resources for that day including videos, this would be much better if I could open them in a new tab.
Anonymous commented
I am disappointed to see that 5 years later this still has not been addressed.
Sarah commented
Why is this marked completed? Links still do not open in a new tab.
Sara Trowbridge commented
Yes! Even when the links are PASTED in!
Ashley commented
I agree! This would save so much time when I'm prepping and valuable teaching time when I forget to change the way the link opens.
Jason Riggs commented
I agree with Matthew. Link should open in new tab.
Matthew Heimann commented
I think the default should be open link in a new tab/window, not just open link.