Default settings for Links
When putting in a link for a lesson instead of having to change each link for multiple lessons to open in new Window have a place to set for the user that all links open in new Tab. Why is there only the option to open in new Window.
Sara Trowbridge commented
This was an excellent suggestion! I have no idea why a teacher would ever want to lose their Planbook page to a new link. I love that the default is now always to open in a new window.
HOWEVER, there is what I believe to be a fault in the system. If a link is PASTED into Planbook, it still defaults to "no target" rather that to "open in a new window." I keep all of my lessons typed in separate documents where I can see my units as a whole and edit from there. When my lessons are ready to be finalized, I paste them into Planbook and the links always default the "no target." Not only that, the system lags terribly when trying to go in to manually changed the the links to open in a new window. I highly recommend that this be updated as well.