Let teachers add their own fonts
I always like to use different fonts to my plans to make them stand out. Right now planbook only offers a few fonts. I think it would be great if teachers could add fonts to help JAZZ up their plans.
To add a custom font, click Go To → Display Settings, and add your fonts in the Custom Fonts section. Once added, your new fonts will be available in all Font dropdown lists. Note that these fonts will also display correctly when you print to PDF. Any questions, please let us know at support@planbook.com. Thanks!
Iryna Bunetska commented
I support what Emily says! I also suffer when I print info that is simply invisible afterwards
Shannon Eubank commented
Add more fonts to the bank
Nicole Brisson commented
I would like the option of adding a custom font. It is tiring to always use the « HTML » editor to do so. If I could manually type in the font that I want into the font drop down menu, and have it saved there... it would save me a lot of time of scanning through the HTML content of my lesson to change the font there.
Crystal commented
You can already use your own fonts with the HTML editor. They just need to change the printing capabilities back to the way it used to be. Your fonts don't show up in the PDF but do show up if printing from the browser which you can't currently do, but used to be a feature.
Emily SPOONER SMITH commented
AND PRINT IN THEM! It is silly that I have coded my lesson fonts in HTML but all that work is deleted when I print for a substitute.
Meagn commented
YES!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE!!! THIS IS A MUST!! :) Teachers love their FONTS :)
Gumbrelli commented
It would be great if we could get a greater variety of fonts.
Jaime commented
Yes! More fonts, please!!
Stephanie Mooneyham commented
LOVE this idea! I think most teachers use multiple fonts on a regular basis and this will help keep Planbook fun.
Nicole commented
It would allow me to match my headers to the lesson text. Thanks!
Nicole commented
Yes! It is the font I use the most.
Nicole commented
I would love this feature! I currently use custom fonts with HTML codes, and when I print them off, some of the details of my lesson plan become unreadable. For example, I use a custom music font. In the browser version, the letter shows up as a music note. However, when I "print to PDF", the font reverts to a basic one and the music note just becomes a random letter of the alphabet.
speakbeak commented
I would love to see Century Gothic added as a basic font choice. It makes my plans much easier to read...thank you for considering!
Amy Blythe commented
I'd like to know how to use source code fonts.
Anonymous commented
How do you use source code fonts?
Erin Snyder commented
Would like this!
James Volpe commented
I love using different fonts as well, I have a large collection, I agree that it will jazz things up. I would also like to be able to add graphics.
Anonymous commented
Have more options for fonts readily available.
Susan commented
I would also love this! It is a drawback to not be able to print the fonts in the online view.
Rhonda Barbone commented
Include fonts with accents that support other languages BESIDES English.