Lesson Editor previous and next
It would be really nice if you had a back and foward button in the pop up edit window so that it was easy to switch between editing days without having to close the window then clicking on the next day.
Shelly Andrews commented
I would like to tab or right arrow over to the next day without having to exit X each time.
Tevia commented
I'd like to have a page where a teacher can enter plans for MON-FRI for one subject, i.e. edit a whole week of one subject's plans on one page rather editing each box individually...
jassy127 commented
type a row of lessons for a subject at one time then save. Saving between each day seems to be time consuming.
Carrie commented
I would like to be able to edit my plans for a class a whole week at a time on the screen that shows my entire plan rather than double-clicking and bringing up another screen which blocks three days from sight.
Carol Barno commented
I would like to plan each class for the week, rather than having to pop in and out of each day.
Amy Eckstein commented
I like to make my plans for a unit at a time. In the screen where we enter lessons, homework, etc it would be nice to have a link to the next day instead of having to go back to the planbook every time.