Add a gradebook
i love your planning features but i have to use a different app for grading. PLEASE combine!

Linda Sawanowich commented
Does have any plans to create a planbook. Lesson planning and grading go hand-in-hand. It would be great to go to the same place for both.
Anonymous commented
If you add an optional attendance page and seating chart it would be ideal for all grade levels. Also a gradebook would make it perfect, you can then print out simple reports or export it onto excel.
Liz Kachur commented
I was trying to "streamline" the volume of work required to report student progress, standards covered, standards mastered, etc. I exported a CSV file to use in a spreadsheet for reporting, but the csv did not contain the standards taught in each lesson. This would make reporting SO mush easier.
Christie Wright commented
Yes please!
Elizabeth commented
A gradebook addition would be amazing. One that could be set to grade students on a 1-4 would be perfect. I'm also a specialist and finding a good way to manage 900 students in physical education without multiple applications would be helpful.
Cathy Moore commented
I am a specials teacher (library) so I see 600 students every week. I would love to be able to have my roster (and my seating chart would be fantastic!) available for each class -