Add a gradebook
i love your planning features but i have to use a different app for grading. PLEASE combine!

Anonymous commented
I think that is a great idea. We have a grading system in our state but there have been many bugs which have caused entire classes to disappear. A backup like this would be a good feature.
English teacher commented
Don't most districts have an SIS where teachers are required to track grades and attendance? I wouldn't enter all of that information again in gradebook which is my personal software. I am truly curious as I assumed everyone used a district wide application for those things.
SHANNON Cook commented
A standards based grade book would be great.
Pam commented
I would love an attendance tracking feature also!
Shawn Lucas commented
IEP objectives
accommodations and modifications -
Juliette Eleveld commented
YES, that would be FANTASTIC.
Kimberly Bonfield commented
Allow users to upload class rosters to track daily attendance for each of the periods. They would be able to track absences, tardies, as well early checkouts. The ability to add enrolled or withdrawal dates would be a great help too. It would be like a one stop shop for teachers and administrators.
Lisa Sandrock commented
I understand the desire to "keep it simple" and just be really good at one thing. I love planbook for planning. However, teachers never just do one thing. We need to be able to combine our efforts so we can prepare for comprehensive evaluations, parent conferences and recording data for our most vulnerable students. Once we plan a lesson, then teach it, me must be able to record how our kids did! You have a list of all of the standards. Could you add a data entry in that part of planbook for our student's names and then a few cells we could name? For example, I might use: above, meets standard, approaching standard, below. Then I want to be able to auto fill cells next to students name, sort them by ability, and be able to make my own comments. I would also like to be able to print this. This addition would make Planbook so powerful. There is an app called "Confer" which tries to do this, but falls too short for me to really get on board. They have the technology / code I'm talking about. Maybe you could chat? Just an idea.
benjmain commented
i want a grade book
mhiggins commented
With all due respect to those of you asking for this, I think branching into a gradebook component is going to be a grave mistake for Planbook. It will divide their attention into two fairly big tasks--lesson planning and grade recording. Up to this point the great strength of Planbook has been it's responsiveness to teachers. The planbook still has many changes/upgrades that need urgent attention. I fear this endeavor is going to pull and thin the resources with the result that we will have two weaker products instead of one really great one.
Anonymous commented
A gradebook would be great. Also for bilingual standards.
Anonymous commented
I would love a grade book I would pay more for it!
Alan Mello commented
A gradebook to which I can import my rosters from an excel spreadsheet
Kelly Gibson commented
I love this idea and a checklist for oral assessments
Rachel Murphy commented
A gradebook would be AMAZING!
Crystal Forro commented
I would love this option.
Linda Sawanowich commented
Add a gradebook feature.
Renee commented
I would like to be able to enter my students into each class and then when I plan the standards I would like to be able to assess each student according to those standards -- achieved, mastered, etc. also then generate reports - by class, by grade, by student..
Teresa Woosnam commented
I agree, grading and seating also anecdotal notes to assign to students would be perfect.
nicholseli commented
Add a simple gradebook feature. My school does not have an online gradebook for k5-2.