Individual student accounts
While my coworkers and I love your program, it is a bit of an inconvenience for our students and parents to have to log in to different teachers or go to different book marks and then find the right class among 8 other classes (we're on traditional block middle and high school) for every class. It would be really great if there was a way for students to create their own accounts and subscribe to specific classes from different teachers, that way my 8th graders can see all their homework in one spot, whether it's history, English, math, or whatever, and they don't have to see what 11th grade is doing. Similarly, it'd be really cool if teachers could subscribe to each others planbooks so we could better collaborate and plan not to have tests or major assignments due on the same day, etc... it would be cool if parents and students could get email updates about when their class has new changes as well. Just some thoughts. I bet I could get a lot more of my coworkers to use your site if you had these types of features.
John commented
Finish the Student Planner module please! We've been waiting so long! My students could really use that extra help.
Jeri Thomas commented
Wait... WHAT?? Parents or students can log in and see what I've got? That might solve a whole host of problems!
Kacy Schoenfeld commented
or be able to share different class links
Sandra Mills commented
I'd like to have a dedicated class list tab and attendance register function where I could input my pupil's names and have a checkbox function to tick off when they complete homework. That would allow me to keep track of homework much more easily and at reporting time I could check completion for different homework I've issued.
Rebecca Hirtz commented
I would like it if the app would allow high school students to see multiple teachers/classes at once so they wouldn't have to sign in 7. Times
Sari Weltmann commented
It would be great if there was a student subscription - they could subscribe to certain teachers so they could see all of their courses at the same time. Also maybe they could click on certain assignments and automatically add them to their own calendars.
Melissa Newman commented
It could function like the subscribe for GoogleCalendar.
Anonymous commented
Agreed!!! Please, please do this. It would make the student view much cleaner and easier to navigate.
Doug Gay commented
When viewing the plans in student view, it would help if each "class" had a small arrow drop down button that would open and collapse the class. If the classes were all "closed" when entering the student view, the student could then search for the title of his/her class in the correct day/time slot and then open the tab to see the lesson plan.
Sarah Robison commented
My parents do not need to see what I teach every period when their child is not in my class all day.
carrie_northcott commented
I currently have to use another program for documentation purposes for my students. It would be great to have this feature built in. A way to have all student names entered and a running record of when notes are entered in per student name. I do not use the "NOTE" feature for this because I would have to know the date of when an incident or contact was made and it is more reasonable to look per student name.
gadgetgirlkim commented
Planbook is such a great app! I'd like to see the developer add and app that connects to Planbook where I can upload copies of student work or students can upload copies and then I can write comments to them. There are other apps out there that do this, but not very well and I think the Planbook app developers could do it better.
Be able to add students to the different classes.
Tiffany commented
I would like to be able to have more options when sharing. Please allow me to choose which subjects I share. I teach multiple grades, but different subjects in each and I would like to choose all of the classes and share them with all of the students in that grade so they don't have to see the homework for the other grades. Thank you!