Create ability to print only one lesson when multiples in a day
It would be extremely helpful to be able to print just one lesson from a day where there are multiple lessons. I have wasted a lot of time and paper and ink by the inability to do so. Almost every week there is the main lesson for the 5 days and then some extra lessons. As it is now, if I click on the extra lesson for any given day and then use the print option from the drop down menu, it prints ALL lessons for that day, even though I opened just the extra lesson and used the print option from that lesson only. I then have to make a large black X over the portion of the page that is the next lesson that should not be there. This looks unprofessional and is a waste of paper and ink. When I want to print just one of the lessons from a day where there are multiples, I should be able to do so from that lesson without printing all of the lessons in that day.