Full-screen View for Projecting on Smartboards and Promethean Boards
Create a Full-screen View option to allow teachers to project their lesson plans, homework, learning targets, etc. in a readable size for students to view from their desks. This image would work well on Smartboards and Promethean Boards. Then, students could easily read over the lesson plans, homework, or learning targets as they come into the classroom. In fact, I could have my DOL (Daily Oral Language) up for them to work on since DOL is the first item on my lesson plan. Then, I could quickly scroll down through the homework and learning targets. Currently, I have to zoom in using the browser, but Planbook's header (with its menu options) cover too much of the screen and will not scroll upward.
We’ve added a new “Full Screen” icon, next to the Search icon, to allow you to switch to Full Screen mode, where the header area is no longer locked in place. When in Full Screen mode, you’ll also be able to print via the Browser Print Icon. We hope this helps, any questions please let us know at support@planbook.com. Thanks!
clmattoon commented
My Planbook lessons stopped showing up on my Smartboard today. I've turned board on/off, logged out/in planbook--no luck. It will only open my plans to edit, but I can't access any of my links live!
Mr. Tony Giles commented
Recently, this was changed back to having a "static" toolbar at the top. We need to get this changed back to the way it was before when you used the "Full Screen" icon. Currently, "Planbook's header (with its menu options) cover too much of the screen and will not scroll upward."