Load standards based on class selected
Create a user interface to identify standards used with class created. I am using both State and Common Core and it would be great if I click on my class for only those to show up. Would save a good clip of time.
Anonymous commented
I think that would be a good idea.
Dee Hayes commented
I would really appreciate the ability to add a certain set of standards to my lesson plans (Math - WV CCR). It's wonderful that you have so many choices, but it would save me a lot of time if I didn't have to look through them all each time I created a new lesson.
Desmond Parker commented
I would like to see an option where the standards that I choose for my unit be the only ones that are displayed. Defeats the purpose of putting the standards into the unit and then they not be prioritized when I'm making out my lessons.
Kirstie Smith commented
This would be a HUGE time saver!
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to tie a specific set of CC standards to a specific class that I have created. For example, I would like to set up my writing class to automatically show me Third Grade CC writing standards. However, when I'm in my Math Class, I would like it to automatically show me the Third Grade CC math standards.
Thomas Rogers commented
I would also like the ability to reduce the amount of standards I see in the dropdown box. If I have LA9 selected for my area, then I'd like to be able to see those standards only. An easy way to integrate this would be Planbook remembering the last set of tabs I accessed for that class. It seems to do that already as I'll set standards for LA9, then go over to LA7 and the LA9 standards will be the first I see.
Hope that makes sense.
Anonymous commented
This should be a top priority.
Anonymous commented
In the Texas TEKS, the Figure 19 TEKS should be included in the Language Arts TEKS, and not just listed separately. They are part of the LA TEKS, and it is annoying to have to switch back and forth in the standards for one lesson.
Mary Scheffler commented
I agree, this would be a great help in completing lessons in a more timely manner.
Anonymous commented
Yes please. I was just going to suggest this and found that someone had already suggested it!
Cindy Leppala commented
I would like this as well.
Jenna Bailey commented
YES!!! I would love to mark a "default" set of standards for each class. I would still like the option to see all standards when working within each class, but if creating a lesson for my Math class it would be great if it would default to the math standards for my state.
Mike Higgins commented
Allow teachers to create and/or move standards into their "My List". And, as Teri says, allow "My List" to generate reports as the Standards option currently does. Having standards in the "My Lists" area would greatly simplify the retrieval of standards when writing lessons. It would also allow teachers the option of customizing their list as they wish (instead of having to send missing/desired standards to Planbook.com for inclusion).
It seems that this could be easily done by the programers.
Margo Hall commented
How do I get this?
Anonymous commented
I want this feature as well. I teach two different classes and have to navigate the drop down menu for each class every time I want to put in the corresponding standards. This should be a very easy fix for them to implement.
Lea Klein commented
Agreed - When setting up classes, I would at least like to lock in grade level. This is what I most often forget to change. We use State, National and CC. I would love to not scroll through all the other states and national types. I would also like a heading to separate the 3 types I include
mrsproberts commented
Allow teachers to customize standards to each class period.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice when entering a lesson to not have to select the grade(s) and Subject every time. For instance, it would be great if English teachers could preference only the English standards, or Math only the Math, etc.
Sally Irons commented
Perhaps as a teacher creates their weekly schedule and sets up their courses, they could determine which standards they will be using. that way, when the teacher goes to add standards for a lesson, they only see what they "signed up" for. I find it VERY TEDIOUS to locate the necessary standards for all of my different classes, especially since Planbook.com is continually adding new standards all of the time.
Anonymous commented
This would also help with teachers who teach completely different sections of the same course: AP English IV and English IV with different plans. It would help distinguish which standards are taught per course.