More repeat options for events
Can you add more option so that we can customize our events. For example I have meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month. In the Repeat drop down, customize it so that teachers have the option to customize their meetings, instead of what you have now (weekly, biweekly, month). There is no option to customize my meetings at all.
Please add this in.....

Mr McFadden commented
It would be useful to "attach" events to weeks when you have a two week timetable. Right now, if I set up my biweekly events, they are only valid for a half term, because once you reach half term, the events repeat as if the week off hasn't happened, and so are out of sync with the correct week's timetable
Kristi Zoerhof commented
We have repeating professional development meetings that occur each month, but not necessarily "monthly". I would love to see a calendar pop up where the dates could be selected over the course of the year. This would allow the event to be entered once rather than creating a separate event for every occurrence of the same scheduled meeting/activity. Thanks so much!
bsequin commented
Allow us to add an event to multiple specific dates instead of just daily or weekly.
Anonymous commented
Please give the option for Monthly events to occur. There is only repeating daily, weekly, and biweekly. Many teachers have district meetings which occur on a monthly basis. Thank you!
Erica Witherell commented
Could we have recurring Events (i.e. fire drills)? Instead of making a new one every time, we could make one, then be able to add additional dates and times as they come up (not weekly or monthly, but like you do with the 'no class' feature.)
Also, several others have mentioned being able to change the color of the event...that would be nice.
Adam Shaw commented
One should be able to add an event directly from a drop down menu visible on a specific day, instead of entering it in manually. I have to "fast-forward" in the plan book to get the specific day. The calendar in the Event view is helpful, however this option would be great.
Amy Eckstein commented
Allow events to be repeated certain days. I have students who get pulled out on certain days every week but not every day. I would like the option of M, Tu, W, Th, F in addition to the already existing option of daily/weekly
Kristie commented
allow us to add an event, such as a staff meeting, and then all the different dates, rather than adding each staff meeting as an individual event.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see more options for a reoccurring event. I would like to be able to pick if the event would happen every three weeks, or the 3rd week of each month, or the second Wed. of the month etc.
Kate Morton commented
I am trying to enter early release days and am doing them one at a time. I wish I could just select all the individual dates that and then hit apply. These happen once a month but I can't use "monthly" as it's not exactly monthly.
Brian commented
Additionally Customize to Choose days of the week it will repeat... Like in the class option
Anonymous commented
On the "Add Event" screen, add a button to add another event, which will automatically go to the same month as current event. It gets mighty tedious scrolling through the months for each new added event.....