Student seating chart

You can now design room layouts, and create class seating charts, for your students! You can add new layouts and adjust student seating as often as you’d like, add pictures of your students, and “shuffle” seating for random assignments. Select Go To > Class Seating to try it out!
Margaret Batten commented
I would love a seating chart option! One for each class.
Anonymous commented
Something where we could have a class setting but be able to drag and drop where desks could be and write the student's name on the desk.
Anonymous commented
Just a simple seating chart would be great, would help with class organization and simplify leaving information for a substitute as long as it was visible in the student view .
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem.
Anonymous commented
I have he
Cathy Moore commented
I teach 600 students in 2 different schools every week. Having a seating chart would make my life so much easier!