Lock lesson to a date
I would be nice to be able to anchor single lessons, whole days, or even whole weeks so that when lessons are bumped or deleted, the anchored items don't move. For example, I programmed "Benchmark Week" on April 8th. Obviously it needs to stay there, but when I bump, it bumps also. The benchmark people won't go along with it; I promise.
You can now “lock” a lesson to a date, by selecting the “Lock lesson to date” option in the lesson editor.
Anonymous commented
how do you unlock lesson? I want a lesson to repeat daily for the year. Arrival same routine.
M commented
I agree. I would like to be able to anchor lessons to a certain day. For example, all of my classes will be in the computer lab on May 28. I filled in those lessons with the words "Computer Lab" a long time ago. Now, every time I bump a lesson for one of those classes, I accidentally bump the "Computer lab" lesson plan to the wrong day. I'd like the bumps to go "around" the anchored lesson.
Anonymous commented
I am requesting this feature as well. I have specific lessons that I plan on specific days and don't want them bumped, i.e.. 100th Day of School or a speaker scheduled for a specific day that I need to attach as a lesson and not an event.
Anonymous commented
I completely agree! That was what I was coming here to suggest!
Anonymous commented
YES please!! This has bothered me for some time (and I have even missed a meeting or two as a result :)
Christy White commented
The only problem with adding "anchored" or "locked" lessons as events is that you don't have access to adding Standards to them. I have some "anchored" lessons that can't be bumped in which I need to use the lesson plan format.
LC commented
Agreed. I was just about to ask for the same thing. Especially for events like field trips that I don't want bumped.
Angela Knight commented
This is what I meant when I asked for a "locked" plan option.
I like the word "anchored". -
Anonymous commented
See comment on other "lock" feedback
Anonymous commented
Include a small lock symbol so that it is evident that that lesson is locked.
Also, a the person who wrote this suggestion wants to lock a repeating event, I would need to also lock individual lessons or events such as field trips.
Thank you.
Eve Delgado commented
I agree. Having the ability to lock and unlock lessons would be great. Sometimes we have to change our whole schedule after a few months of school to accommodate something new. As it is set currently, if I make a change in time on a class that was created at the beginning of school, the change goes all the way back and messes up my past months lessons. I would like to lock these so that this doesn't happen. I want to work smarter and not necessarily harder. I want to be able to keep the small anecdotal notes of how I needed to improve a lesson or things that might have caused confusion to make next year better. However, when the changes happen all the way back it messes up the time schedule.
Julie Ryan commented
I love this idea. I teach a class in where I have tutors every Tuesday and Thursday and need those to be anchored. When I bump my lessons it moves tutorials as well and that doesn't work because I can't change tutorial days.
Heidi Bailey commented
I agree with this request. It would make year long planning much easier.
i appreciate the suggetion to put anchor lessons as an event but would really prefer to be able to put it in the correct subject spot on my lesson plans. It would make my lesson plans 'neater' and easier to follow. -
Jeremy commented
I have benchmark week programmed as an event also, but there things that I want to input in specific subjects that obviously can't move because of Benchmark activities.
Jennifer Stewart commented
Jeremy- have you tried making that "benchmark Week" an EVENT? then even if your lessons bump your event will stay put. Just a suggestion
Stevan Flores commented
I would like this feature added, also.
Until then, I will add activities/lessons tied to a specific week or day using the "Events" function. I can see the event at the top of the day's lesson to make sure my lesson gets applied the correct day.
Jess McGettrick commented
Did you add them as Events or Lessons? My thinking is that they won't bump around if they are events...
I echo your request for being able to "lock" lessons... I'll sign up for certain days to use the computer labs at the end of the term, and if I can't lock them and my plans change earlier, it's a HUGE pain to adjust to keep the lab lessons on those days only.