Excuse student from an assignment
I need to be able to exclude some assignments for certain students (absent for task or new to school after the start of the unit/task/grading period begins)
In engrade.com I was able to mark "E" for excluded so that certain assignments were not included in grade calculations for that particular student.
You can use the following codes for student grades:
M = Missing
I = Incomplete
E = Excused
We hope that helps! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at support@planbook.com. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
This is exactly what I came to the feedback section to request today! It would be very helpful to be able to place alpha characters into the grade book for work that is excused (E) or incomplete (I).
MikeT commented
Definitely something to do. For me this would be the most important feature to add for grades.
Lori Moldenhauer commented
I need this info too!