Integrate with Google Classroom
Google Apps for Education provides an API to allow Planbook to create a sharing option for teachers. Please do this!
As a first step in our integration with Google Classroom, you can now view Google Classroom assignments and announcements in your plans. To view Google Classroom items, go to your Account Page → Google+ Connect, and select the classrooms to include in your plans. We’ll be adding more Google Classroom features throughout the year, so please let us know if there are specific functions you’d like to see!
Kelly Cusano commented
Nothing happens once I follow the instructions above.
Kayla O'Connor commented
After those steps are completed...what should be done next? Nothing is showing up!
Becca Glassberg commented
Yes! Please integrate the gradebook to pull grade from Google Classroom, this would make all of my teachers happy!!!
Mary Ellen commented
It is the grade book integration I would love so grades from Google classroom quizzes get sucked into planbook's very nice grade book features.
Mary Ellen commented
Yes we're waiting with baited breathe! Our Middle School team would love to all use Planbook but being able to pull Google Classroom Grades directly into Planbook Grade book would be FABULOUS!! (maybe if we're really lucky this will be implemented by September!?? :-D
Heather Dial commented
Great idea!!!
Cecilia Resweber commented
I just wanted to encourage you in this endeavor! This will be absolutely FABULOUS!!
Neil Lindholm commented
Awesome that this has started.
Neil Lindholm commented
Any word on this? I have to start using Google Classroom next year.
Tosha Miller commented
A feature needs to be added that allows teachers to easily upload files from Google Drive and then also easily allows us to share documents in planbook with Google Classroom.
Vaughn Grisham commented
I would love to see this feature. As it stands, for me, planbook is an afterthought. I plan everything in Classroom. It'd be nice to make this seamless.
Christine Oscarson commented
Please add a tutorial or video about how planbook works with google classroom or other google features.
Anonymous commented
Please make this available as soon as possible
aolson commented
Connect the Google Classroom assignment with the lesson plan. Please! Maybe add the option to put it on a certain part of the lesson plan. I have an "Assigned" category. It would be wonderful if a Google Classroom lesson would populate there.
Pamela Archangeli commented
It would be great if I could input my lessons into Google Classroom, since that's what my school uses.
Christina Cox commented
Google Classroom integration that lets me assign right from Planbook and set the date the assignment will post (attached to the lesson in Planbook so if I have to bump a lesson, the Google Classroom assignment date shifts with the lesson). That would be ah. Maze. Ing!
Hadaway, Tracey commented
Yes please this would be incredibly beneficial to teachers and students.
Anonymous commented
I want this too
aolson commented
It would be absolutely wonderful to be able to create an assignment in Google Classroom and have it populate in Planbook. Not creating them twice would be great. Also being able to change the due date in Classroom and having it change in Planbook would solve so many headaches!
Angela Olson commented
Yes, please add this! It would help my students so much!