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  1. Change color of individual notes

    We use our notes to document strategies and communicate with our principal. I organize my classrooms by color for the different sections. I would love to be able to change the color of individual notes so that they match my organization system.

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  2. Unique letter grade options for each class

    We are trying Planbook's grade storage for the first time this school year. We are pleased with the offered features and awesome price. But there are a few things that we are missing from other programs we've used. One thing we've had in other programs is the ability to have different grading scales for different classes. At our school we use the "traditional" A,B,C letter grades for most conventional subjects, like Math. But for things like Art or P.E. we use a somewhat more qualitative system with E for Exceptional, S for Satisfactory, N for Needs improvement. Then on the…

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  3. Ability to set No Class for entire day

    We're on a 6 day cycle and I teach each grade first to 6th every day. there are days when I'm out at a conference, or out sick and they usually don't have a sub for me. If I cancel the classes using "no school" then the day of the cycle gets messed up. The only way I can do it is to go to each class (which is really each grade) and add the day manually. Should be a better way to do that!

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  4. Tab and Arrow Keys to navigate grades

    When entering grades the enter button moves the cell down. I would like to be able to move to a new cell using the tab and arrow buttons like a spreadsheet. Especially if I make a mistake and want to move back up or move over to enter the standard after I enter the grade.

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  5. Mobile Apps - View single lesson

    Be able to see on iPad one lesson in big font, full-screen. This would really help one refer back to one’s notes during the lesson. At present we have to choose day view and then scroll.

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  6. Search events by title and content

    I use events extensively for my appointments, meetings, etc. I want to be able to search for a specific appointment, but I can only currently search lessons.

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  7. Search - Add filters for subject, year, dates

    Set parameters to narrow down search by course, school year, and dates.

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  8. Quick add classes to template

    Templates are great, until you have to enter 17 classes that use the same template with each unit. (Is there a better way?!) Would like to see a quick check way to add classes to the template. Each time you click the plus sign, the new class is at the bottom of the list. Need a way to click multiple classes at one time.

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  9. View google classroom gradebook

    Allow the viewing of your google classroom gradebook so that when you are planning lessons you can easily see student progress and data

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  10. See same week last year on a different screen.

    Make it so that I can look at two years on two screens. I like to cut and paste some things, but not the whole year. Right now this is not possible online.

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  11. Tag lessons by type (Notes, Tests, Labs, etc)

    Seeing the unit in my lesson bank is great, but it would be even better to be able to see the type of lesson at a glance. A well visible tag would be a great solution to this, and they could even be color-coded for even easier identification

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  12. Copy ALL assessment information

    I have heard from all teachers that it is unhelpful to have a copy button, to copy assessments and assignment from class to class that only copies the title of the assessment, but not the points, or date or any other detail, most of my teachers teach multiple sections of the same class. Please consider a copying option for all details of an assessment and assigmnet.

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  13. Performance Report - allow standards average

    Our school has gone to standards based reporting and I would like to input the levels 1 (not meeting grade level), 2 (progressing), 3 (meeting), 4 (exceeding) and get an average for students for each reporting period.

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  14. Update current day highlighting automatically

    Whenever I leave planbook logged in overnight, the highlighted portion on the current day remains on the previous day unless I logout and log back in again. It would be great if it would automatically update at a certain time--midnight would make the most sense.

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  15. Edit lessons on Copy page

    In the copy section, once I have dragged a lesson from the left to the right, I want to be able to then edit the copied lesson right there. Not have to go back to plans in order to edit it.

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  16. Quick add new lesson to bank

    I know that entering multiple assignments in a spreadsheet has already been proposed, but I'd add to that a column to do an entire lesson in a spreadsheet (include Lesson title, page numbers, etc.). By have a spreadsheet for entry, that would eliminate numerous clicks on different buttons. The "data spreadsheet" would be linked/synced to the Planbook interface so that when changes are made in the online Planbook interface, the spreadsheet data would also update. From year to year, this would be an easy way to see an entire year at a glance instead of at the most only seeing…

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  17. Make ALL teacher plans easier to view

    Make ALL Teacher Lessons Easier to View... for Students, Parents, & Subs

    It is "too much work" for students to login (to their student account or teacher's view key) to view their teacher's plans. Sorry - but this is a high school request and we struggle with getting lessons in front of students.

    We wish to see all teacher's lessons linked, preferably categorized by department. This would eliminate the need for over 100 HS teachers to set up their view key or get their links emailed to our webmaster. We also have 2,000 students... so creating and managing student accounts…

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  18. Show Google Drive Starred

    When I access my Google Drive I always have to pick through my folder tree beginning at the highest level. It would be nice if I could view and access my starred folders.

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  19. Print without a page break after header

    When I print a lesson that covers more than a single page the header for that class is on one page but the lesson does not start until the next page. Essentially, thee is an entire page for just the header and the rest is blank. The actual lesson does not have a header, which is confusing, especially for subs.

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  20. Generate reports from multiple schools.

    Search for keywords or pull up reports across multiple schools in a division to see how often teachers are incorporating technology into their lessons (as an example).

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